Naughty Tales Collection - KL Donn Page 0,21

demanding side of him.

Watching as he moves his hand lower to his pants, Jack lets his cock free and my mouth waters for a taste. “Soon.” He smirks, reading my look.

His fingers delve into my channel and massages me, rubbing along all the delicious little buttons of pleasure my body possesses. All too soon he’s pulling his hands away from me and peeling off his shirt. Dropping it beside him, he places his arms across the back of the couch and issues me a command.

“Ride me, Eden, and make it fucking good.”

Challenge, accepted.

Rising up on my knees, I center myself over his length. The heat of his cock makes me shiver as I slowly lower myself down to his body again.

He’s a tight fit because he’s so large and I’m so new at this but I’m determined to make him eat his words.

Closing my eyes, I imagine the beat of a song in my head and begin to roll my hips to the melody. Up and down, back and forth, slide and grind.

I keep all the moans and sighs trying to break free to myself like he demanded. When I open my eyes slightly, I see Jack with his head leaning back on the sofa, appearing relaxed but as I gaze further down his arms and to his hands, I see them fisting the material in white knuckle grips. Telling me more than anything else that he’s enjoying what I’m doing.

My sensual moves have him wanting more but he’s waiting on me. Letting me have the control this time. Rolling my hips in the same way I would if I were giving him another lap dance, it doesn’t take long for his hands to grasp my thighs and gradually begin to take his control back.

“This Halloween party at the club, tell me more about it.” His voice is hoarse.

“You have to buy tickets to reserve a dancer.” I breathe as he begins thrusting up into me.

“Oh yeah. So you’d be mine all night long?” His grin is wolfish, predatory.

“Well,” I slowly draw out, “I’m already reserved.”

“The fuck you are.” He snarls. “By who?”

“I have no,” I gasp as he slams me down onto him, “idea.”

“I would have to watch you dance for some other son of a bitch all fucking night?” His control snaps and he picks me up, carrying me over to the wall where he grips both of my wrists and slams them over my head.

“I would be giving him three lap dances and his own strip tease on stage for all to see.” I know exactly what this information will do to his control, but I taunt him anyways.

“Fuck. No.” His hips are thrusting wildly as he slams in and out of my body. The pain nearly unbearable as I feel my body shake with my desire.

“They allow touching too.” He bites my neck roughly and I know I’ll be bruised. I don’t stop though. “Hips, thighs, arms, only.”

“I’ll fucking rip his arms off his body and beat him to death with them.” His threat, serious as it is, turns me on further.

“I heard some girls allow more though, you could get one of them.” I supply helpfully.

“I fucking want you. Not some other random chick. You’re mine, not them.” I’m pleased that he doesn’t ask what more some girls allow. “This sweet little pussy is mine and no one else better fucking touch it or I’ll kill them.”

He continues to slam into me, my thighs shake with the aching pain and my heartbeat is out of control. “Oh Jack. Oh God. Ohhhhhh.” I moan my pleasure as I feel him release into me.

Every heated splash coats my insides and I can only hope this feeling stays with me all night long.

Chapter Five


This is complete fucking bullshit.

I sit behind my desk at nearly noon waiting to hear from Eden. She worked later than anticipated because one of the other girls was in an accident on the way to work and was sent to the hospital. By three I had to get home to sleep and grudgingly left her there.

She swore the bouncers always walked the girls to their cars and since I gave her a ride to work, she’d just hitch one with one of the other girls. She texted me when she got home at six and I was pissed.

How the fuck can they expect her to work such long hours? Especially after she’d been up almost all damn day.

“Mr. Daily?” Mrs. Archer pokes her head Copyright 2016 - 2024