Naughty Tales Collection - KL Donn Page 0,19

and snare me in their hypnotic stare, “knocked into me in the hallway. As he was helping me steady myself, his hand brushed across my nipples and for more than a month, I would use that feeling of complete rapture to make myself come.”

“Fuck.” I remember that. I berated myself for weeks after and tried to avoid her like crazy. Eden has always been my forbidden fruit. My own sweet hell.

“I would picture his mouth sucking on me until I came. His cock taking over my body in every way he could.” Her words are so quiet, it’s hard to hear, but my body sure as hell understands her intent.

“Christ, woman. You looking to get fucked right her and now?”


Standing, I unbutton my slacks and pull out my cock. Pulling her hips closer to the edge of the desk, I run it through her folds, allowing her to understand just how far I’m willing to go.

“You ready to be fucked senseless or should we talk?” An animalistic growl vibrates through me when she lifts her hips into my touch. Daring me to make good on my threat. “Just remember, this was your choice.” I snap as I push her to lay flat on the desk, line my cock up with her opening and slam right into her pussy.

I slap a hand over her mouth as I feel the barrier to her virginity break and her body freeze and tense at my intrusion. “What the fuck, Eden.” I bark at her quietly.

I’m not shocked that she’s a virgin, she was always quiet and never had a boyfriend from what I witnessed, but I didn’t expect her to allow me entrance to her body in my damn office.

Not a sound comes from her as I begin to move my hips slowly in and out. Her eyes watch me with every thrust though and her body melts under my command.

“Mr. Daily…” she sighs when I remove my hand. Her frame completely relaxes when I grab a fistful of her hair, tugging hard enough she should be cringing. Begging me to let her loose. She doesn’t though, in fact she begs for more. “Harder, Mr. Daily.” I lean down to lay over top of her and she murmurs against my cheek, “Make it hurt Jack.”

Fuck. I never imagined she would be such a vixen.

Picking her up, I slowly mover her to the floor, not wanting to risk my desk making noise or objects falling. Letting Eden go, I flip her over so she’s on her knees and pull her hips back into my groin.

Putting a hand over her mouth, I hold her tight as I slam into her tight heat once more.

Fucking virgin tight. She might kill me yet.

Chapter Four


I throb from my toes to the roots of my dark curly hair. My entire body hums with arousal and awareness of what Jack did to my body on the floor in his office.

He fucked me hard and so thoroughly my thighs still ache. He made me promise to wear something skimpier than what I wore to his office tonight because he’s going to fuck me good and hard in his car so that his seed drips down my thighs all night long.

I shiver every time I think about his filthy words and the effect, they had on me.

Never in a million years would I have thought of myself as someone who enjoys rough sex, but when he slammed into my body, made pain vibrate through every fiber of my being, it only hurt for a quick second. Pleasure rolled through me after. I nearly came apart from the pain of his grip in my hair. I felt a few strands rip out and I’ve never been more turned on in my life.

Standing in the middle of my room in nothing but a towel after my hot shower, I stare at my closet. Wondering just what Jack would like to see me in most. My hair is already dry, and my makeup done, I just need the damn clothes. Normally I’d only throw on a pair of sweats and a sweater, but not tonight.

Tonight is all about Mr. Daily.

My high school principal.

I still can’t believe I’m not dreaming. I’ve been in love with him for so long that it’s all so surreal.

I don’t get much more time to dwell on what’s happening or what to wear because I hear the doorbell ring and Oli yell, “I got it!”

“Oh shit.”

Grabbing my Halloween costume from last year, Copyright 2016 - 2024