The Moth and the Flame (When Rivals Play #2) - B.B. Reid Page 0,128

just didn’t like Jamie for catching Lou’s eye. Miles was interested, but at least it was always one-sided.

I hurriedly took a sip of my water, cursing myself for the jealousy that made me feel like a bitch.

Once the plates were cleared, everyone scattered to the four winds, and when no one was looking, I slipped into the family room and stopped in my tracks when I found Ever standing alone in the dark. The only light came from the fireplace, and the flames allowed me to see that he was glowering as he stared down at the picture in his hand. My heart twisted in my chest. I still hadn’t considered the implications of his father knowing mine, but it explained why I’d felt connected to Ever all along, and how small the world was that we lived in.

Closing the door, I met his gaze as I inched closer. I could barely keep from sighing in relief when I saw the person in the picture.


“Something wrong?” he asked me when I just stood there like a statue.

I looked around the room, making sure we were alone before I answered. “We need to talk.”

DINNER HAD BEEN…INTERESTING. THE moment the Montgomerys said their goodbyes and the Kellys retired to their room, as did Thomas and Rosalyn, I cornered Jamie outside on the veranda. “What the hell happened in there?”

Since I’d snuck up on him, he glanced at me over his shoulder before turning back to puff on a cigarette. “Your boyfriend is a nosy son of a bitch. That’s what happened.”

Even though I hated the very air Wren breathed right now, warmth spread inside me at hearing him be called mine. “He threatened you?”

“Oh, yeah.” I thought Jamie would be upset, but when he turned around and leaned against the white pillar, he was grinning. “I like his style.”

Crossing my arms, I shook my head. Boys really are stupid. “Why did he threaten you?”

His dark eyes perused me slowly before meeting mine. “You tell me.”

I shrugged as I looked away. “I don’t know.”

Jamie laughed, and I knew it was at me. “Try again.”

My arms dropped, and my hands balled into fists. “I don’t!”

“I heard him say you wanted to fuck me, pretty girl.”

“And you believed him?”

“It doesn’t matter what I believe. You’ve already got his attention, kitten, but he’s stubborn. Batting your eyes at me won’t be enough to make him do something about it.”

Huffing, I stuck my hand on my hip. “Let me guess…I should sleep with you?”

Jamie’s smile was wolfish—as if he wouldn’t hesitate to eat me up if given half the chance. Taking a pull from his cigarette, he blew the smoke in my face. “Not unless you really want to, my little overachiever.”

I coughed and waved the smoke away. “Well, as it turns out, I don’t need to flirt with you to get what I want.”

He choked on his next pull, and it took him a few seconds to recover. “Damn,” he said hoarsely though I could still hear his awe. “That was fast.”

I shrugged. “Not really.”

Jamie grinned even wider. “Been chasing that dick for a while, huh?”

“Shut up,” I growled.

“There’s no shame in it,” he said. “Not all guys want a girl who’s timid and blushes every time his dick is out.”

I cocked my head to the side. “What about you? What do you like?”

He smirked as he flicked his cigarette butt over the side and pulled out another. “I don’t give a fuck as long as she’s willing.”

“And that Barbie doll with the long legs and amazing ass? She didn’t seem all that interested to me.”

Jamie snickered. “How do you know she had an amazing ass?”

“It was hard to miss it in that dress.” The rose gold sequin number she wore looked like it had been painted on. Jamie couldn’t take his eyes off her, and although she’d kept her gaze averted, I’d known by the ramrod set of her spine that she was aware.

“You’re nosy, too,” he observed, and I could detect a hint of jealousy in his tone.

“What’s the matter?” I teased. “Afraid of a little competition?”

Yawning, he stepped around me and headed inside. “If you can melt the ice around her heart long enough, then I tip my hat to you, little Lou Who.”

“Don’t call me that,” I said as I followed him into the entry hall.

“Make me,” he tossed over his shoulder as he started up one of the curving staircases.

I wanted to follow him and do just that but thought better Copyright 2016 - 2024