The Moth and the Flame (When Rivals Play #2) - B.B. Reid Page 0,129

of it. Instead, I hooked a right and headed for the family room where I last saw Wren sneaking inside over an hour ago.

It was only a matter of time before I got bored giving him the silent treatment. Besides, it was hard not to think about what happened this afternoon. I was sore, and I was pissed, but I still wanted more.

However, when I stepped inside the room, I found it empty. And when I looked out the window, I saw that the lights to the guesthouse were out. Maybe he’d gone to sleep?

Preferring to pretend that I’d run into him by chance instead of him knowing that I sought him out, I sank onto the couch and crossed my arms. I couldn’t even find it in me to care that I was actually pouting.

I didn’t notice when I was no longer alone until Four plopped down next to me with a huff and interrupted my brooding.

“Thanks for wearing the dress.”

“Thanks for tricking me into wearing it,” I replied dryly. Four had worn distressed blue jeans and a T-shirt that said ‘Hell is a gift. Here you go.’ much to her mother’s immense displeasure. Thomas hadn’t said a word and Ever only grinned.

She smiled and winked. “It looked better on you than it would have on me anyway.”


Snorting, she curled her feet underneath her. “So that went better than I thought it would,” she said conversationally.

“What were you expecting?”

“Oh, some screaming and shouting. Maybe a little blood spilled. Nothing major.”

I couldn’t help laughing despite my mood. “Why?”

“Because Jamie was there, and he lives for torturing his cousin.”

“Any particular reason?”

She looked away and sighed. “No.”

“Right,” I said, letting her hear my skepticism. I’d learned too many hard-core lessons in my short seventeen years to be that gullible. Fuck what Wren thought.

Four had been the one to find me when Wren walked away from me yesterday, but neither of us had felt like pouring our hearts out. She ended up calling over Tyra, who had been more than willing for both of us. Still, I knew something was bothering Four, and I knew she wouldn’t be able to hold it in forever.

“Claire was nice,” I said to fill the silence.

“Yeah, I think it’s cool that the Kellys still visit Thomas even though their son is dead.”

I frowned at that. “Why are you so certain he’s dead? Not even his mother knows if he is or isn’t.”

Four stilled before quickly sitting up. “What are you talking about?”

“Claire said she hadn’t seen him in thirty years. She talked of second chances like he was still alive.”

Her forehead wrinkled. “Are you sure?”

“Positive. I felt bad for her.”

“But that doesn’t make sense,” she argued. “Why would Thomas lie to Ever about his best friend being dead if he wasn’t?”

I shrugged and poked my lips out. “Maybe they fell out.”

With a troubled look, she walked over to the mantel and selected one of the many picture frames. I was surprised when she handed it to me immediately after. I took it with some hesitation and only glanced at the three men posing for the camera before looking back up at her questioningly.

“Take another look,” she urged. “Does anything about that picture strike you as odd?”

Granting her request, I studied the photo more closely. “Yes.” My voice was calm when I was anything but. The beard was gone, and he looked twenty years younger, but I’d recognize those eyes and that cocky smile anywhere.

“And?” Four prodded.

I pointed to one of the men standing next to Thomas. “I know him.”

“What?” Her gaze flitted back and forth from me to the picture. I could tell my answer hadn’t been what she was expecting. “How?”

I studied the picture as the ball in my stomach tightened. What were the chances that this ghost and the one stalking Wren were one and the same?

It couldn’t be. Their world was a long way from the one Wren and I lived in. It had to be a coincidence.

But Wren had said Ever used to be Exiled, so maybe we weren’t that different, after all. Maybe all of our paths had crossed once before, and now it was happening again.

“That’s his father,” I told Four.

She perked up immediately. “Ever’s?”

“No…Wren’s.” I pinned Four with my gaze. “Why would you think he was Ever’s father?”

She gulped as she shifted restlessly. “Because it seemed odd that Ever has a cleft chin when neither of his parents do.”

I mulled that over before shaking my head. “It’s strange but not Copyright 2016 - 2024