The Moth and the Flame (When Rivals Play #2) - B.B. Reid Page 0,127

have them both here with all of their parents in attendance as well?

By the rigid set of his shoulders and the questions the blonde’s parents plied him with, I deduced that Ever wasn’t just dumb—he was up shit creek without a paddle. I was fighting back a grin as I wondered how he hoped to get out of this when I felt the weight of someone’s attention. Across the table, Claire openly studied me and didn’t shy away when I met her gaze.

Did she know?

How could she? The chances were one-in-million that we’d meet. Especially since she had no idea I existed. If it wasn’t for that goddamn photo, I’d have no idea that that I was sitting across from my father’s parents, sharing dinner with them as if I’d done so all my life.

The turkey was carved and the dishes served, and soon, everyone was too busy enjoying their meal to talk. The respite, I learned, was only momentary when Claire peeked at me before whispering something to her husband. He nodded and turned his gaze on me, although his eyes didn’t hold the same curiosity that his wife’s did even when he spoke.

“Young man, I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure. I’m Bart Kelly, and this is my lovely wife, Claire.”

“Wren,” I said, careful not to give my last name. It didn’t seem to matter when I noticed Thomas’s head swivel my way. What were the chances he’d know who I was when I had no clue who he was other than what I’d read online?

“Wren,” Claire echoed with a soft smile. I couldn’t help returning it with one of my own.

“An unusual name,” Bart remarked with a frown. My smile dropped, and he tried to mask his distaste with a forced chuckle.

“Like the songbird,” Claire said gently.

“Yeah,” I breathed out. My chest was tight, and I had the sudden urge to stand and take her in my arms when her eyes turned glassy.

“And how do you know Ever?” Bart inquired before I could freak everyone out.

“From school,” I answered automatically as I stabbed at a piece of turkey. Ever had already coached me on what to say. It only bought us a few days but one crisis at a time. Glancing at Lou, I found her already watching me. “We both go.”

“Ah, the academy. One of the finest schools in the country. I wouldn’t have guessed.”

My fork paused mid-air, and just as Bart began to squirm under my hard gaze, I felt a small hand curving around my thigh. It was comforting and not the least bit sexual but…I got hard anyway. I didn’t dare look Lou’s way and risk blowing our cover by kissing her senseless. Ever’s father was under the impression that Lou and I were siblings and that our parents were celebrating their anniversary out of the country. I would have snorted if I wasn’t busy trying to skin Bart alive with my glare. Lou’s hand squeezed my thigh, and just like that, my anger faded. I went back to eating, and so did everyone else.

The rest of dinner was uneventful, and after dessert was served, Jamie stood and raised his glass of water like it was champagne. “I’d like to make a toast,” he announced with a grin.

While everyone’s attention left their sweet potato pie and went to Jamie, I glanced at Ever across the table. His jaw clenched as he stared up at his cousin, and I knew whatever Jamie was about to say couldn’t leave his lips. I reacted without thinking, and with stealth that I’d honed over the years for the wrong man, I had my gun out and pressed against Jamie’s kneecap. The table hid what was happening and the reason for Jamie’s sudden silence. I nudged his knee, indicating that he should sit the fuck down.

“Jamie?” Thomas prompted when he just stood there. “Your toast?”

I nudged his knee, suggesting that he should sit the fuck down instead. He blinked a few times before tucking his lips inside his mouth, fighting a laugh. His eyes twinkled with amusement, however, as he met Ever’s gaze. “Well played,” he mouthed to him, making Ever frown in genuine confusion. “To family,” he said before retaking his seat.

Ever looked at me quizzically, and I shrugged my shoulders. I couldn’t tell him what I did much less why I did it. I just knew that I didn’t want anyone fucking with him. And maybe a little had to do with the fact that I Copyright 2016 - 2024