From This Moment On - By Debbi Rawlins Page 0,27


“It’s over. Do what you want.” She moved a shoulder, truly feeling indifferent and turning back toward the bar where Sadie was probably getting antsy for her to check on other customers.

The whole thing would’ve gone better if Nikki wasn’t feeling off balance. Nothing major, but wow, who was that person who’d confronted Sam? Yet another glimpse of her trying out her new skin. The old Nikki would never have been so calm, refrained from cussing or, sadly, considered that she’d been disrespected. Not that she’d have assumed she deserved the poor treatment, but anger and revenge would’ve been on her mind.

Had to be Matt’s influence, and even partly Rachel’s. Or maybe Blackfoot Falls in general. Who knew? Not her. She seemed confused about everything lately.

“How are y’all doing?” She smiled at the three young cowboys getting low on beer. Their table was closest to her but luckily they’d missed the pool room drama. They had prime seats near the jukebox and were busy watching sly women lean over to study the song selections.

One guy smiled back. So did the other two...after they dragged their gaze away from the redhead. “I’ll take another longneck.”

“Tap for me, and a tequila shot this time, please.” The second man had a boyish grin that lightened her mood. “I’m Jerry, in case you forgot.”

“How could I?” The little white lie seemed worth it when his smile widened. She’d remember him from now on. “You have perfect manners every time you come in.”

His slightly older friend with the narrow face and shaggy brown hair elbowed him. “Guess I’ll be switching to soda water. It’s my turn to drive.” He sighed, then quickly added, “I’m Chip.”

“Way to go being responsible, Chip.” She held up a hand for a high five. It took a second for him to get it. He wasn’t much younger than her but he was so cute the way his eyes lit up as if he’d won the lottery. He started out with gusto, drawing back his hand, then seemed to remember she wasn’t one of the guys, and very gently touched his palm to hers.

He had calluses like Trace.

The thought ambushed her. God, she could not let every little thing make her think of Trace. Today had been nice, but it hadn’t changed anything between them. And this dreamy thinking crap was why she couldn’t allow that to happen. “You know what, your soda’s on me.”

“You don’t have to do that, ma’am.”

“It’s Nikki.”

The three of them grinned, and Jerry said, “We know who you are.”

“I’m still learning names,” she admitted. “But I’ll get there. Y’all need quarters?” She slid a pointed look at the jukebox, where the redhead had been joined by a short dimpled brunette who was eyeing Chip.

He glanced at the woman, then quickly brought his gaze back to Nikki. “You think so?”

“I do.” She wanted to laugh at his bewildered expression. Of course she didn’t dare. “Here,” she said, reaching into her pocket and pulling out change. She only had three quarters, and laid them on the table. “Until I get back.”

He passed her a ten. “Will that be enough?”

“Um, I doubt you’ll need that many quarters,” she said, and left him grinning.

The Watering Hole really was a nice place to work. She liked these customers, and she liked Sadie. Even Sam was okay, or at least manageable. If he hadn’t apologized or looked as if he wanted the floor to swallow him whole, she might’ve felt differently.

She stopped at another table, glancing around to make sure everyone had drinks, then headed for Sadie. Nikki’s breath caught. Trace sat on a stool at the end of the bar with a beer in front of him. Part of the bottle was already gone so she knew he hadn’t just walked in. What she didn’t know was what he’d heard.


TRACE’S PATIENCE HAD gotten pretty thin by the time he spotted Nikki out of the corner of his eye. She stopped at Jerry’s table and was joking with him and his friends, and Trace had to remind himself this was where she worked and socializing with the customers was her job. It wasn’t that he was jealous. Never been the type. But he was beat, and he’d had no business driving all the way to town just to see her.

Hell, they’d been together not more than eight hours ago, and they planned to meet day after tomorrow. He could’ve waited until then, and stayed home tonight, gotten some sleep. Obviously he couldn’t, Copyright 2016 - 2024