From This Moment On - By Debbi Rawlins Page 0,26

bottle out of his hand.

He only laughed, which made her angrier. She wanted to know why he’d said that about Trace, but she couldn’t ask. Sam worked at the Circle something-or-other ranch. It wasn’t located anywhere near where she and Trace met today, but on the other side of town. So he couldn’t have seen them.

Briefly she glanced at Josh. He’d been quick to stop Sam. Did that mean Josh knew Trace had said something? Or was he just being nice helping get Sam off her back?

“You wanna know what I mean, don’t you?” Sam moved to give her a clear path. His faint smirk challenged her to stuff her curiosity and go on to other customers. He was about to find out she was too stubborn to lose that dare.

“Settle up with Sadie before you leave,” she said, pushing past him.

“Trace warned all of us to keep away,” Sam said. “Made it plain you were off-limits. To everyone but Mr. McAllister himself. Those know those boys get what they want. Especially Trace.”

Nikki told herself to ignore him. It was the smart thing to do. She stopped under the dividing arch to the front of the bar, and turned. “What?”

Sam chuckled. He picked up the beer left on the ledge by the other pool player, and took a swig. “It’s true.”

“Don’t listen to him.” Josh snorted with disgust. “Trace never told me that.”

“Hell, why would he?” Sam cast a dismissive glance at him. “You’re a kid. She’s so far out of your league you’d need one of those bullet trains to catch up.”

Josh turned red.

“Are you kidding?” Nikki’s abrupt laugh held no amusement. “I’d go out with Josh before I’d cross the room for you.” The other guys seemed to think that was funny, and she decided it was a good time to disappear. “And, you jerk, the ‘kid’ is my age.”

“I’m talking experience, honey,” Sam called after her. “We both know you’ve been around the—”

He cut himself short, and she’d almost made it to the jukebox, but stopped and slowly turned to face him. Sam wore the expression of a man who knew he’d gone too far and wasn’t sure how to get out of the mess he’d made. But then, there was no way out. The words couldn’t be taken back. People sitting at nearby tables either weren’t paying attention or were politely ignoring what had been said. The guys hanging around the pool table, though, they’d all heard.

Watching Sam try not to squirm did little to appease her. She wouldn’t let him get away with being a prick, but causing a scene wouldn’t help. Dammit. She couldn’t decide. Keep walking or make him spell out what he meant. He’d backpedal and apologize before he’d say anything else stupid. Nikki wasn’t the only one pissed, and he knew it.

“Sam.” Josh stepped in, his jaw tight, a vein popping along the side of his neck. “You don’t know when to keep that big mouth shut, do you?”

“I’m just teasing.” He tried to shoulder past Josh, who wouldn’t budge. “I don’t know anything about Nikki. We were baiting each other and it got out of hand.”

“Josh?” Just before he’d spoken up, she’d decided it was better to walk away, but now she moved closer, hoping to keep things contained. “Let it go. Sam’s right, he doesn’t know me,” Nikki said, looking him directly in the eyes. “Because if he did, he’d be sweating and tripping over himself to apologize. I am this close—” she drew her thumb and forefinger together, leaving a hair-thin space between them “—to making sure you’re not allowed in here as long as I’m waiting tables. How would that work for you?”

“Shit.” Sam scrubbed at his flushed face. “I’m sorry. I really am. Not because you’d get me kicked out. It was a dumb-ass thing to say.”

She caught Josh’s sleeve when he started to jump in, her gaze staying on Sam. “It was disrespectful,” she said, “and I won’t have it.”

Sam pushed a hand through his hair and briefly looked away. All the guys in back were staring at him, the tension so thick she could stick a straw in the air. “You’re right. I was a jerk. The thing is, I like you. I really do, and if it makes you happy to know, I feel like hell.”

She sighed. “No, Sam, that doesn’t make me happy.”

“You leaving might,” Josh muttered.

Sam gave him a dirty look. To Nikki he said, “I will, if you want. Copyright 2016 - 2024