From This Moment On - By Debbi Rawlins Page 0,28

and that was the problem. It was the damn kiss that had messed everything up. He should’ve known better.

Nah, knowing what was right and acting accordingly were two different things. That’s where he went wrong, he thought, letting his gaze drift toward her. She was wearing her hair down, the way he liked it best.

“I heard you were out at the Lone Wolf yesterday.” Sadie wiped the rings off the bar, then leaned a hip against it.

“Yeah, I was helping Matt with a mustang.” Trace picked up his beer and took a halfhearted sip. “The place looks good. I hadn’t been out there in years.”

“How’s Wallace doing?”

The concern in her eyes didn’t surprise him. Whether she liked the man or not, she’d known him forever. He slid a look toward Nikki.

“Ah, you know her,” Sadie said. “She won’t talk about him. I quit asking.”

Trace smiled. Yeah, he knew. “Matt doesn’t think he’ll last the week.”

“Tell you the truth, I’m shocked he’s held on this long. Must be that stubborn streak in him. How’s Matt holding up?”

“Seems okay.”

“Tore him up bad when Catherine died. I didn’t expect he’d get too sad over the old man going, but you never know until the time comes.”

Trace studied Sadie for a moment. She was strong, independent, and as far as he knew, never repeated anything that didn’t need repeating. He’d always liked her. “I’m thinking that about Nikki. What’s your take?”

“Not to say she’s cold or unfeeling, but my guess is she’ll just be glad when it’s over.”

He nodded, though he’d been hoping she might’ve opened up to Sadie a little. Sure didn’t sound like it.

“You want coffee instead of that?” Sadie glanced at the bottle he’d barely touched, except to pick it up and put it down.

“I look tired?”


Trace chuckled. “That about sums it up. I’ll pass on the coffee, though.”

“You know you can come in and see her without ordering anything.”

He frowned, thought about a denial...

“Don’t give me that scowl. I’m old, not stupid.” Sadie snorted. “She’s coming. Look sharp.”

“You’re not old. And I always look sharp.”

“That grin of yours should be illegal,” she said, slowly shaking her head, then wandering toward the other end of the bar.

Unable to help himself, he tipped back in his seat, pretending to stretch, and angled for a better view of Nikki.

She sure didn’t look happy to see him. She almost stopped in her tracks. What was that about? The kiss? He thought they’d figured that out.

“What are you doing here?” The brief frown she sent him held an accusation he didn’t get. “Josh said you worked late.”

“I did.”

“So? Should you be drinking beer and then driving?” She leaned over the bar searching for something or other.

It nearly killed him keeping his eyes from going straight to her nice round behind. His mind flashed back to earlier. His hand had rested right there at the curve when he’d kissed her. The temptation to fill his palms had damn near crippled him.

“How long have you been here?”

“What?” he asked, having trouble switching gears. “Ah, ten, maybe fifteen minutes.”

“Why aren’t you playing pool? Have you been back there yet?” She was acting peculiar, kind of nervous, glancing toward Sadie, then finally slipping behind the bar and setting up shot glasses.

“I don’t feel like playing tonight. Who’s back there?” He didn’t really care. He wanted her to finally look at him, or at least figure out why she wouldn’t.

“The regulars.”

He watched her make busywork out of pouring two tequila shots and filling three mugs. “You mad at me?”

“No.” She looked at him then and sighed. “Why would I be mad?”

“I can’t think of a reason. Nothing we hadn’t already ironed out, anyway,” he said, lowering his voice as if anyone who heard would know what he meant.

She smiled down at the lime she was cutting up, and he was pretty sure she was remembering the kiss. Good. It didn’t seem fair for him to be doing all the thinking on it. Lord knew he’d done plenty of that the whole time he’d helped five guests saddle up for their trail ride with Lucas, and then finished vaccinating the rest of the calves. A couple of the women commented on his exceptionally pleasant mood. Probably had something to do with the sappy grin Josh had been quick to point out.

Trace turned to look toward the pool room. Feeling this tired, he wouldn’t play if someone paid him. He couldn’t take a humiliating loss from Sam, or in front of him. Copyright 2016 - 2024