Men Of Honor Eric - Jordan Silver Page 0,47

that was all on Janine. She’s the one I’d exchanged vows with; her idiot husband owed Tyler and me nothing. Not sure why the fuck I’m thinking about all that shit now, though, and I put it out of my mind when I drove through the gate after giving my name.

Janine met me at the door looking rough as hell like she’d been crying. “What’re you doing here, Eric? What do you want?” I ignored her and spoke to the housekeeper, who was hovering in the background. “Where’s your boss?” The woman looked at Janine, almost hesitantly before answering me. Janine was on my heels like a wayward puppy, repeating the same shit over and over again, which I ignored.

Her husband was sitting in his home office, looking like he’d seen a ghost. “What do you have to add to this farce now?” Those were the first words he spoke to me as I walked in. “Did you come here to add insult to injury?” I just quirked my brow at him since I had no idea what he was talking about.

He sighed hard and warily before pointing at something on his desk. “I guess you know about this since he’s your son. You don’t have to worry; she won’t be bothering your wife anymore.” My eyes landed on the envelope I’m guessing Tyler had brought him.

“Actually, I have no idea what that is; I brought you my own.”

Tyler’s evidence doesn’t have much to do with him. If he wonders why Janine is so invested in my marriage and out to harm my wife, she can easily explain that shit away by saying that it was because she didn’t want another woman around her son, but what I had in my envelope would be a direct hit. I can’t slit her throat in a dark alley for fucking with me and mine, but I can make sure that the rest of her life is hell.

“What’s this?” He accepted the business envelope I passed him and looked inside. I saw the color drain from his face seconds before Janine flew past me and tried grabbing it from his hands. “What the fuck is this?”

“Read them, the pictures speak for themselves. Those are just some of the ones she sent me.”

There were nudes of Janine with some incendiary captions, but those too, she could wiggle her way out of. The most damaging was the texts where she pleaded with me to take her back, and most damaging the ones where she talked about how lacking he was in the dick department and how wrong she was for leaving me. These were all sent in the last year, but some had been sent from years ago when my life began to change. Those were even more desperate.

“I’ll see myself out.”

“You son of a bitch.” She came screeching at me as I turned for the door.

“I wouldn’t if I were you.” She stumbled back from the look I gave her, and for the first time, I think she got just how much I actually hate her fucking guts. “If you come near my family again, I won’t hesitate to end you. This was just a warning shot. And just so you know, Justine is the best thing to ever happen to Tyler and I. The day you left us was a blessing in disguise. Now stay the fuck out of my lane or next time I’ll run you over.”

It took everything in me to walk away and not break her fucking face, but Ty was right; that’s exactly what she wanted. I left to the sound of them arguing heatedly. I guess now I can go back to ignoring her ass and pretending she didn’t exist. The same housekeeper was hiding in the shadows listening in with a smirk on her face.

“He won’t divorce her, you know.” She looked towards the door as she spoke. “Nope, he’s a sadistic son of a bitch. I used to feel sorry for her in the beginning, but then I realized she’s not so nice either. You should have a talk with his ex-wife, she was lucky enough to escape, but she’s also the reason he won’t divorce that one. He hates to lose at anything. I can tell you, though, that she must wish she’d never met him every day of her life.”

I opened my wallet and removed five crisp hundred-dollar bills. “Give me the condensed version.” She took the cash and shoved it into her bra Copyright 2016 - 2024