Men Of Honor Eric - Jordan Silver Page 0,48

before leading me just around the corner from the screaming couple. “He likes to hurt women, and not just in bed if you know what I mean. Didn’t you ever wonder why she’s always covered up from head to toe even when it’s a hundred degrees outside?”

“He wooed her at first with his money, and just like all the others, she fell for it. I couldn’t feel too sorry for her even then, since it was obvious that she’d gone after him even though she was married. Had she been a better person, I might’ve warned her to stay away, but she was after his money and too blind to see what he really was until it was too late.”

“He’s all about his standing in the community and what others think of him. When his first wife escaped, it was a blow for him, so I know for a fact that this one won’t get away that easily, but he will make her suffer even more because of what you and your son did here today. Mind you, he’s not going to kill her, and it’s not like he folds his fists and beats on her, but he has his ways. Would you like to see the room?”

“The room?”

“His torture chamber! It would make De Sade’s look like a high school playground.” What the fuck is going on around here? I looked back at the room where I’d left Janine and her husband before shaking my head no. My conscience bothered me all the way to my car until I remembered all the shit she’d done before and after Justine came into my life. I wonder if Tyler knows, damn boy.


Tyler was already home when I got back to the house, at least his car was. I walked inside, ready to ask him what he’d been up to at his mother’s place, and found him in the kitchen staring into space. He must’ve heard me coming but didn’t even look in my direction, no, he was too focused on something on the other side of the room. I called out to him, but he didn’t seem to hear me until I was right up on him.

I followed his line of vision and saw Lora leaning into the fridge. She wasn’t wearing anything skimpy or anything like that, but Tyler was fixated to the point of damn near brain dead. With all the shit that has been going on around here, I forgot my suspicions about him; now they were back full force.

“Tyler!” He almost jumped out of his skin but covered it nicely. “Oh, hey, dad, did you find it, Lora?” He asked the question in a way that made it seem like he’d been focused on her because of something she was looking for and not because he’d been fixated on her ass. Now I’m back to being confused. And her answer only confused me more.

She took her head out of the fridge and looked back at him. “I told you we were out. Oh, hi, Eric. Now can we go do our homework? Dinner isn’t that far off anyway, so I don’t see why you need one.” I have no idea what the hell these two were going on about.

“But I had the taste for it all day.” My son pouted, something he hasn’t done since he was about five or six. Lora came out of the refrigerator with two apples, one of which she tossed to him, and he caught in midair. “Fine, but you owe me one. What’s up, dad?” I was looking back and forth between the two of them, like I was watching a match between McEnroe and Borg.

“Uh, can I see you a minute? He’ll be right there to do his homework, Lora.” I smiled at her as she left the room. “Follow me.” I didn’t want anyone overhearing our conversation, so I led him to my home office and closed the door. “You went to your mother’s house.”

“No, I went to Janine’s house. I don’t have a mother…yet. The jury’s still out on whether or not your wife is going to take that spot.” This damn kid, I don’t know where he gets his attitude. “Fine, you went to Janine’s house.”

“You have eyes on me, dad?”

“I’m the one asking the questions, boy.”

“Okay, yes, I did, since you already know.” I thought I had this all figured out, but now that we were face to face, I didn’t how to bring it up. Copyright 2016 - 2024