Men Of Honor Eric - Jordan Silver Page 0,46

the way he drove, I’d say he was okay.”

“Where’s my kid now?”

“He headed back to the high school. I didn’t think she was going to leave the house again anytime soon, so I followed him. I wasn’t sure what you’d want, so I tailed him to be on the safe side.”

“You did good; I’ll see you tomorrow; you’re off the job for now. If I need you in the future, I’ll let you know.”

“Sure thing, boss.” We hung up, and I sat in silence, contemplating my next move. I’m guessing Tyler had gone to her house with the information he’d collected the night before. No doubt he’d gone to the country club for the same reason, but Justine had beaten him there.

I still have no idea what she was doing there. Had she gone there to confront Janine? Is that what she and Janelle had been up to? If so, I have to tread carefully. I have to let her know that I’m not pissed that she felt brave enough to stand up for herself, but that I’m mad as fuck that someone hit her. It’s been years since I’ve felt this level of anger at anyone, and once again, it’s Janine.

If I didn’t already have it in for her after that story, Tyler told about her splashing him in the rain; this shit would’ve pushed me over the edge. As it stands, I have to figure out a way to get her the fuck out of my life, our lives.

Justine was still asleep when I ran back upstairs to check on her, so I kissed her warm cheek and left. The kids will be home soon, and what I had to do shouldn’t take that long. I grabbed a folder from my desk and went out to the car, knowing that what I was about to do should’ve been done a long time ago.

I’d held off on doing anything with the information I had in my hands because at the end of the day, as much as Janine had fucked us both over, she was still the mother of my child. I’ve lived by a certain creed all my life, and though it was sometimes hard to uphold in the face of Janine’s bullshit, I did a good job if I do say so myself.

Today she’d crossed every fucking line there is. I might’ve let the fact that she dragged my wife’s ex and his hag here to stir up shit slide, but putting hands on Justine sealed her fucking fate. I can’t kill her, Tyler and Justine might suspect that shit. Though the thought of running her off the road, one dark lonely night hold lots of appeal. But I can do the next best thing.

I got to Janine and the asshole’s place in less than ten minutes. I wasn’t worried about being let in because he’s been on some shit these last few years since the zeroes in my bank account surpassed his. I guess he’d forgotten how he used to laugh at me and my son with Janine when the two of them first fucked us over.

I still, to this day, have no idea how she’d talked her way into his bed, not that she’s a bad looking woman, but this town isn’t lacking for those, and she was already married with a kid. Not to mention she had nothing to offer other than her ass. Whatever, I stopped caring about that shit a long time ago.

The only time I ever had any dealings with him was that period of time when he got it into his head that he wanted to play daddy to my kid, and I had to let him know which limbs he would lose if he pursued that shit. At that time, he still had more money than me, and I was scared shitless because of the stories I’d heard, which pretty much stated that the courts would take my kid since they apparently favored mothers.

It was Janelle who’d told me at that time that Tyler was old enough to tell the judge which of us he wanted to live with. She was still in high school back then. Thank fuck Janine had come to her senses because I never heard shit about it after that and had no more reason to deal with the man I used to blame for the demise of my family.

I say used to because it’s been some time since I came to the realization that Copyright 2016 - 2024