Men Of Honor Eric - Jordan Silver Page 0,45

to let her get used to my extra thickness. It felt like my anger had made my cock just that much harder for some reason, and her tight pussy, which struggles to take my meat on a good day, was having a time of it. When I looked into her eyes and saw the sheen of tears, there is when I realized that I was pissed at her and the fact that she’d put herself in danger.

Not only that, I was scared shitless for her, and that fear was making me irrational. I didn’t say a word to her as I deep fucked her over and over with our eyes locked. I twisted my hip and went in deeper, trying to skewer her to the bed. When my eyes landed on that fucking mark on her cheek, I acknowledged that that was the basis for my anger, the fact that she’d put herself in a position to be hurt by my ex; my almost certainly dead ex.

No, I’m not going to think about that bitch while I’m inside my wife. Justine reached up and cupped my cheek, and it was like a switch was turned off inside my head. My body shook with remorse and guilt as I pulled her into my chest, now it was my eyes that filled with moisture. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there, baby, forgive me.”

“No, Eric, this wasn’t your fault.”

She tried pulling my head back to look at me, but I wrapped my arms even tighter around her until there was no space between us as I rocked into her, burying my cock to the hilt. I eased up on the deep strokes and changed to a grinding motion, which was more like stirring her insides with my dick than fucking but just as effective.

It wasn’t long before her pussy started juicing again, and she was clutching at me with her arms and legs as she tried to get me to fuck her harder. I pulled out and pushed her onto her hands and knees in the classic doggie position. I felt bad when I saw how red her pussy was, so I took pity on her and ate her out from behind while stroking my leaking cock to keep him in check. He was not in as nice a mood as I now was.

She sighed and cooed at the feel of my tongue soothing her bruised insides before I pulled my head from her snatch, grabbed her ass cheeks hard enough to lift her knees off the bed, and eased my cock into her cunt nice and slow. The sight of her pussy stretched around my cock, the plump lips filled with blood as they strained to take me, helped bring me all the way down.

This is my woman; she’s safe here with me; everything else can wait. I still needed to pound out my frustration and fear, though, so her pussy still got a workout. But from the way she screamed and carried on, I’m guessing it wasn’t that bad. I don’t know how many times she came, but I know it was a lot from the state of the sheets when I finally pulled out after offloading inside her. She’d also either fainted or fallen asleep after her last orgasm because she was out cold when I pulled out of her belly where I’d been for the last ten minutes of our fuck.

I pulled the sheet up over her and headed for the shower to wash off. I could hear the staff downstairs when I headed down to my office, only now remembering that they were here. Shit, they must’ve heard her screaming. It’s a wonder they didn’t call the cops. Now that I had that out of my system, now that I had resealed the bond and made sure that my woman was okay and was now safely tucked away in my bed, I turned my mind to other things.

I called the guy I had following Janine, and he answered on the first ring. “Yeah, boss!”

“Where is she? You still have eyes on her?”

“Yeah, she went home, but there’s something you should know. Your boy was at her place.”

“You don’t say.” I’m not too worried about my kid; he handled himself well today. I have to remember to reward him for protecting his stepmom.

“Yeah, not sure what all went on in there, but he went in and came out in less than ten minutes. I couldn’t see him, but from Copyright 2016 - 2024