Men Of Honor Eric - Jordan Silver Page 0,37

little distraction is just what I need right now to help me escape my thoughts.

“Hi, hubby!”

“Hey, babe, what’re you doing? Get in here.” I pushed my chair back from the desk and started to get up to go to her, but she stopped me in my tracks.

“Can’t Janelle and I have an appointment.”


Just then, she called out from her desk, “Hey boss, I’m taking a long lunch man the phones.”

“Isn’t that what I pay you for?” I got up and went to stand in the doorway.

“Not today, you ain’t. Come on, Justine, he has that look in his eye again. Nasty. If lunch goes over, I just might go home right after. We don’t have anything doing anyway.”

It wasn’t even eleven just where the heck was these two off to that she thought it was going to take the better part of a day? Before I could open my mouth to ask, Janelle was dragging my poor wife to the elevator, and Justine was grinning back at me with a wave.

Damn, I didn’t even get to feel her in that suit. I knew she would look good as hell in it, though, and I was right. But wasn’t that shit showing her ass off a bit too much? I grumbled my displeasure all the way back to my desk while I tried to figure out what the heck was going on and why the people in my life were hell-bent on making me crazy.

I’d tried getting Tyler to tell me what had happened last night after I left him alone, but all he’d tell me was that everything was going to plan and not to worry. No matter how I tried to tell him that maybe I should be the one dealing with this mess, he wouldn’t hear of it. Claiming in the end that since Janine was his mother and since he was the reason I’d kept her around, that it was his duty. I regret telling him that shit.

The only thing that kept me from forcing the issue was that I’d already called in a favor and had someone all set to keep an eye on my ex, who would let me know every move she made for the next few days. I’m still not sure what plans Tyler and his little friend have, but I’m not taking any chances that my son was going to do something that can mess up his future.

It’s only as I was driving to work that I realized that my son was well and truly a man. He still has his moments where I can still see flashes of the little boy who needed me to tie his shoelaces, the little tike who’d follow me around and look at me with hero-worship in his eyes, but my boy had grown up.

I also felt a way about keeping things from Justine. Not that I would share this worrisome shit with her, but I felt like she should know enough to keep her on guard. Since I haven’t had a real relationship in so long, I’m amazed at how much I’ve changed when it comes to sharing certain things with my woman.

In the past, I’d probably have been the first to scoff at any man who thought it was best to keep shit from his woman. I’d have probably spouted some shit about women’s rights and not to treat your woman like a child. That’s before I met and fell in love with the most amazing creature there is. Now I don’t want any of this negative shit touching her.

As far as I’m concerned, her days should be filled with nothing but rainbows and sunshine. Especially after the hell, her ex had put her through. And the fact that I know exactly how it feels to have an asshole for an ex only solidified that for me. So I got over my guilt for not telling her about what Janine was up to real quick. Leaving it to Tyler to handle was a whole other kettle of fish, though.

As Janelle had said, there wasn’t much going on at the office today, and I didn’t need to go to the site since my guys knew what they were doing, and I’d been there the day before. I grabbed my keys and stood up to leave with a semi plan forming in my head.

I won’t go to the cops because, as Ty had said, what he’d done to get the information on his mother was illegal, Copyright 2016 - 2024