Men Of Honor Eric - Jordan Silver Page 0,36

like it is attitude that had helped squelch some of my earlier reservations about Eric. I guess I figured back then that if someone as straightforward and bluntly honest as she could love and trust him, then there must be something there to like. Not to mention the stories she told of how he’d been there for her since her early teens.

She was also the one who’d filled me in on a lot of Janine’s past shenanigans before the other woman turned her attention on me. All in all, I can’t fault my decision to get her involved. Not that I was going to let her do much of anything; she was going as purely ballast. It’s time I stand up for myself, way past time in fact, and today felt like the day.

I paid especially close attention to my clothing and even did a little bit more with my makeup. It was shallow and stupid, but these are the things Janine puts much stock in. Not that I don’t make myself presentable for my husband, it’s just that I think who a person is on the inside carries more weight than any color scheme they can find in a makeup palette.

The winter white pantsuit that I remember Eric buying for me because he said it would look good with my coloring really did highlight the soft tan undertones of my skin, and my dark hair shone around my shoulders, standing out even more against the brightness of my jacket.

I wore the simple diamond studs Eric had bought me just because and smiled at the fact that he’d bought some for Lora as well, even though her two-carat stones were two carats less than mine. It still warms my heart the way he looks after my girl, picking up where her dad had left off so long ago. Is it any wonder I’m crazy about him?

Thinking about how good he is with the children also brought to mind our morning lovemaking session. Although I could tell that there was something bothering him when I woke up this morning to find him staring at me in bed without uttering a single word, when he pulled me into and then under him, the flash of worry I’d felt had dissipated right away.

The way he’d touched me, all soft and gentle, had made my heart race as much as it does when he puts on the caveman act, and in fact, I’d be hard-pressed to choose which I prefer. Him pounding into me as he tells me he wants me to have his child or the gentle, tender way he’d looked into my eyes this morning as he came inside me, just before lowering his lips to my ear to tell me just how much he wants to share his seed with me.

I had to shake myself out of it, or I’d have soaked my panty shield for sure. After months of marriage and with two teenagers in the house, I’m amazed that he can still do this to me. After years of keeping myself off the market, I think I’d been convinced that these days were long past. The truth is, I feel better now in this relationship with my sexy domineering husband than I had as an inexperienced teen with my first.

I spritzed on some of my new favorite scent and grabbed my designer clutch on my way out of the room. I wasn’t worried about being too overdressed for Janelle because she never leaves the house looking anything less than a ten, and I also knew if I didn’t bring my A-game, as she calls it that she’d probably drag me back here to change.

I eyed Eric’s custom Hummer and really gave some serious thought to driving that instead of my nifty little Maserati, but in the end, I figured I better not risk it. Janelle was already way too focused on getting her hands on Janine literally when all I was interested in was putting her in her place for now if I drove that who knows what she’d try talking me into.


Wait, that sounds like Justine out there; what’s she doing here? Not that I mind. Anytime my wife drops in on me, I’m good, but why wasn’t she coming in? I got even more confused when she just put her head around the door and didn’t come into the office like she usually does. I hadn’t thought about it until I saw her pretty face, but a Copyright 2016 - 2024