Men Of Honor Eric - Jordan Silver Page 0,38

but there’s no way I’m going to let this shit go for another day. The sooner I end this, the better, and yes, I have to be the one to do it. This way, I can protect Tyler from having to be the one to go up against his mom and save my wife in the process.

I know my boy is strong, but I don’t ever want him looking back at this thing with regret. Especially when it’s for me to handle as his dad. I felt much better when I headed down to my SUV than I had when I was coming here this morning. I looked at my watch and checked the time before grabbing my phone and calling Warren, the ex-military vet who worked for me doing construction and who I’d hired to keep tabs on Janine.

“Where is she?”

“She’s been at the country club for about ten minutes. Looks like they have something going on here today with the number of women I see coming and going.”

“Okay, cool. I’m headed out that way.”


“Dude, isn’t that your stepmom?”

“Where?” I stopped with my hand on the car door and looked in the direction Paul was pointing.

“What the hell?” What was Justine doing here, and with Janelle? I creased my brow in concentration, trying to figure out what I’d missed.

As far as I know, dad and Justine hate this place and have avoided it every chance they get, even when they kept getting invites to become members. It still amazes me that dad and I had gone from barely being able to put food on the table to being on everyone’s list of invites.

I had no interest in this place either, even though I go to school with most of the kids of the members and have even been through the doors a time or two. The fact that Janine and her husband are members is more than enough to have me looking at this place side-eyed.

I’d checked Janine’s Instagram and knew that she had something going on here today and thought it was the best opportunity to confront her. I wanted to take her down in her natural habitat, in front of the women she has hoodwinked into thinking she’s something she’s not.

Dad might’ve been able to move on and forgive her for all the skeezy shit she did to him in the past, and I might’ve too. Like the rumors she’d spread about him hitting her and how that was the reason for the divorce when she didn’t want the world to know that she was a cheating slag.

That one could’ve done a hell of a lot of damage had the people who knew him not stood by him until the rumors died down. Thank heaven for those people and men like Grey who’d seen through the bullshit and given my dad a chance, which in the end had made him come out on top.

Like I said, I might’ve given her a pass since it was nothing more than water under the bridge, but she had to go and set her sights on the wrong one. Granted, she didn’t know that Lora was the one I’d chosen to protect, that even though I didn’t see a future for us, this was the hill I had decided to die on.

“Change of plans. We’re going in, but let’s wait and see where this is going.” As far as I know, Justine has no dealings with Janine, and this little soiree was being run by Janine unless there was something else going on here, which I doubt. I’d already cut class and was already here, might as well see this through.


As I walked through the entrance to the Country Club behind another group of well- dressed women, I got an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. “I’m having second thoughts about this. Maybe I should’ve thought this thing through some more.” It was the first time I’d ever been this rash, and I told Janelle as much as that feeling in my gut intensified.

“Nope, sometimes heat of the moment is the way to go. You have nothing to worry about, trust me on this. You just follow my lead, and by the end of this thing, you’ll have that hag out of your hair. I don’t know how Eric hasn’t buried her under one of those hotels he builds yet.”

I shouldn’t want to laugh at such a horrid idea, but it was close. “Where are we going?” Instead of Copyright 2016 - 2024