Men Of Honor Eric - Jordan Silver Page 0,16

and she’d laughed her ass off.

“That good, huh! You be careful you hear me? If you’re in the market to give away half your shit for being stupid, I’m more than willing to help you out with that. You got off easy with that ex-hag of yours, but this time you’ll lose half your shit for sure if you find another lemon.” That was her way of telling me she cared.

As much as I was into Justine, I didn’t introduce her to Tyler until the third month that we were dating. We’d passed my use-by date, and I still hadn’t had enough. If I were a horny SOB, I would’ve said it was because of the fact that she hadn’t let me fuck yet, but that wasn’t it. There was just something about her that made me want to wrap her up in cotton balls and keep her safe; after I fuck her to within an inch of her life, of course.

I took her out on dates, peppered her with questions, and all in all, was a very attentive boyfriend in the making. She seemed surprised by the smallest gestures, which blew my mind because she was in her mid-thirties. That was until our third month when she opened up about her ex and what he’d done to her and their child.

I wanted to hunt the asshole down and take him apart with my bare hands, but in the end, I realized that had he not been such a fuck up, she and I would never be. Even though we hadn’t fucked, she had all the qualities I was looking for in a woman; sweet giving and honest to a damn fault.

We spent our days at the office and our nights out on the town at some restaurant or theater show. I fucked her the first time in my office. She’d come in to lay some paperwork on my desk, and I don’t know what happened, but the next thing I knew, she was on my lap with her shirt and bra removed and her nipple between my teeth.

I didn’t even bother undressing her, just lifted her skirt around her ass, tore her panties out of the way, and sat her on my cock, which I’d just wrestled out of my slacks. Her pussy was tight as fuck, which just solidified my belief that she was the one for me. I got my ring on her finger the very next day and haven’t looked back since.

I think I may have fucked up, though, when I told Tyler a little about her backstory and how much like ours it was. From then on, the boy has taken on the role of protector of my wife and new daughter. Now I’m second-guessing myself for letting him come along. The boy has no filter and very little give. If this asshole says the wrong thing, Tyler just might go for his throat.


We got to the hotel and parked in the visitor’s lot before heading inside to the table in the corner of the bar area, where I’d told the asshole to meet me. If I hadn’t known where to look, he wouldn’t have been hard to find because of the bottle blonde twit that was hanging onto his arm as if she expected him to be snatched away from her any second.

I have to admit that I sized him up before they noticed my approach. I wanted to see if there was anything remotely appealing about him. I’ll be honest and say he wasn’t a bad looking dude, but he was going soft around the middle, nothing wrong with that. It was the one hundred and thirty-pound barnacle he needed to lose in order to not look like a douche.

The fact that he’d hurt my woman and kid made him even less attractive in my eyes. I approached the two of them with Tyler right on my ass. “Sam?”

“Yes?” He looked up at me questioningly. “Who are you?” He looked from me to Tyler and back as I took a seat across from him, and Tyler took the chair next to mine.

“The name’s Stevens; you’re expecting my wife, I think.” I had my eyes on him but didn’t miss his wife’s reaction. They were both fidgety as fuck but for different reasons. She was about to fall out of that thing she called a shirt; her massive tits were barely restrained. Soup to nuts, those shits are plastic as fuck. This dude, shake Copyright 2016 - 2024