Men Of Honor Eric - Jordan Silver Page 0,17

my damn head.

“Oh, well, where’s my daughter?” He tried to be brave, but his voice came off just a little bit weak.

“You don’t have one. As far as I can tell, you chose that over your wife and kid a long time ago; they’re both mine now.” I made sure to point at the wife when I made my facetious statement, just so he’d get the message that I was looking for a fight.

“Don’t be selfish, dad, they’re both of ours.” I looked at Tyler with a grin thinking he was playing the wingman thing up to the hilt, but he was dead serious. “Yeah, what he said. My question is, what do you want?” As expected, he wasn’t the one to answer.

“I don’t know what lies that bitch told you, but she’s not allowed to just up and take his kid across state lines.” She said some other shit that I blocked out after she called my woman a bitch. Besides, I had no interest in anything she had to say.

“Reel in your puppy, and let’s get this shit over with. I’m not here to listen to anything you have to say about my wife. I’ve already heard her side of the story, and I believe every word, so there’s no need to listen to your bullshit lies. I came here for one thing only to ask you a question.” I let that settle in as I stared him down. She could’ve done so much better than this hump. What am I saying? She did, she got me.

“That company you work for, you make a pretty good living there, don’t you? Did you know that that chain of mechanic shops is owned by a corporation that’s run by a family that frowns on divorce and domestic or child abuse? They especially hate deadbeat dads who don’t pay their child support. Do you know what that means? I’ll tell you. One word to the CEO of said corporation, and you’d be out of a job by end of day tomorrow.”

He turned white as a sheet. “I see you get my drift. Not only will I cost you your job now, but I would also see to it that you never work in your field again. I will make it my mission in life to fuck you over every chance I get, do you understand me? Now get the fuck outta my town and don’t look back. If you do, I’ll take it to mean that you want to waltz.”

I got to my feet, ready to go. “By the way, how did you know where my wife was?” He looked like he wasn’t going to answer, and the wife was still bristling at my jab of calling her a puppy. I just raised my brow at him, and he rushed to answer. Weak as fuck! “It was your wife. I mean, your ex-wife. She got in contact with us with me.”

“I still say…” The wife opened her yap again.

“Didn’t he tell you to stop barking? This has nothing to do with you; stay in your damn lane. And while we’re at it, you need to write a two-page apology to Lora and her mother, both of you. Handwritten, in the mail, or else.” My kid is on some other level, shit. I didn’t say a word as he glared at the two of them before getting up from his seat.

“That went well.” I clapped his shoulder. “Let’s go get the girls some flowers or something.”

“What’re you gonna do about your ex-wife, dad? She’s acting the damn fool again.”

“Uh, Tyler, the only reason your mom is still in the picture is because of you.” He looked at me like my nose had moved to my forehead.

“What’re you talking about?”

“What I mean to say is that I didn’t cut ties with her completely because I wasn’t sure how you would feel.”

“I don’t feel shit if she’s going to cause nothing but trouble cut that…cut her loose, dad.”

“I can’t believe you did that. Is that why she’s been popping up here and there over the years to start shit? How could you think that I’d want that? She stopped being my mom when she left us, dad, plain and simple. You’re my parent; final.”

My grin was wide as my damn face. I was proud of the little shit, though I can’t call him that anymore since he’s about my height. “When the hell did you grow up, son?” He flexed his muscles at me Copyright 2016 - 2024