Men Of Honor Eric - Jordan Silver Page 0,15

do the same. But I digress.

That day I forgot all about where I was headed and instead took the elevator back up to the top floor, all the while checking out the beauty that barely reached my shoulders. I wanted to jump her and mate before the hellos had been said. It had been some time since I’d had such a strong reaction to a woman; in fact, it might have been the first time ever.

When we reached my floor, and I got off behind her, she’d blushed and looked flustered, which for me meant she’d been affected by me as well. I caught Janelle’s attention and motioned for her to follow me down the hallway away from the outer office. She greeted the delectable Justine and then followed me after asking the other woman to take a seat and wait.

“Hire her,” I ordered. She quirked her brow at me.

“I haven’t even interviewed her yet.”

“I know, just go through the motions, but she’s hired.”

“But what if I don’t like her?”

“You don’t have to work with her, you pain in the ass. Just do as I say… Uh, I mean, please.” I backpedaled fast at the look she threw me.

“Thought so.” Her pregnant ass is ten times worst the closer she gets to her due date.

“Fine, but if she messes up my order around here, you’re gonna pay me double to fix it.” Highway fucking robbery! She already makes almost twice as much as any other secretary in the building. “Fine, now get back in there.” She grinned and went back to it.

I eavesdropped on the interview and knew that Janelle knew I was listening in because of the questions she asked. What business was it of hers if the woman was married or not, or if she had kids with her ex, and if the ex was still in the picture. When Justine seemed to catch on, Janelle’s excuse was that the job is very time consuming, and she couldn’t hire someone who wasn’t committed one hundred percent because of familial issues.

Since when! She takes more mental health days than a psych patient off their meds. I listened until she said the words, you’re hired before turning around to leave. My dick hadn’t gone down by so much as half an inch since our run-in. If Justine found it strange that she’d been hired right away, I wouldn’t know, but I did get a text from Janelle while I was in the elevator telling me that I owed her lunch and where I was getting it from. Damn woman.

That night I’d talked Tyler’s ears off about Justine until he smirked at me like a know it all teenager. “So, when am I going to meet my new mom?”

“What the hell, Ty, I’m just saying I met someone.”

“Exactly, in ten years, how many of your ahem, partners have you told me about?”

My face reddened as his words sunk in. He was right; she was the first. No matter how I tried playing it off after that, he wouldn’t budge from his stance. Boy knows me too well. He pestered the hell out of me, asking me questions I didn’t have the answers to. I know he was just trying to look out for me, worried that his dad would suffer the same heartbreak again.

I spent the next five and a half days pacing the floors and counting down the hours until her first day at work. That first Monday, I must’ve gone to work two hours before I needed to be there. I guess I was afraid she wouldn’t show up.

I’d gone over Janelle’s interview questions and knew that she’d just moved to town and was divorced with a teenage daughter. According to her, the ex-husband was well out of the picture, something Janelle finessed out of her with her nosy ass.

That morning when she came in, it hadn’t taken her long to place me as the guy from the elevator, and it took her a good two days to stop blushing over that shit. I started working on her right away; sexual harassment suits be damned. I didn’t cross any lines, but let it be known that I was interested.

I kept a respectful distance until I saw the first crack in her resolve and then moved in for the kill. I wore her down so much that within two months, I was calling Janelle and telling her she could have six months leave instead of three with pay, of course, Copyright 2016 - 2024