Mafia King (Young Irish Rebels #2) - Vi Carter Page 0,97

going to take this seriously.”

Shay crushes the cigarette between his thumb and forefinger. “Happy?” He forces a smile.

I drop my hands from my hips and smile at my husband. “Yes. Now take Lady’s reins. Gently.”

Shay puts the cigarette in the flask that he places in his breast pocket. Each time I see it, it’s a stark reminder of what I nearly lost. He’s replaced the flask since, but each time I see a flask, it’s all I can think about. He’s quick putting the flask away like it plays out the same reminder for him.

“Now what?” he asks once he holds Lady’s reins.

I walk around the front and rub Lady’s muzzle. “You be a good girl,” I whisper. “Be careful with him.”

“Are you talking to the horse?”

I glance up at Shay and stand back. “Tap her gently on the side, and once she moves three steps, pull the reins.”

It takes Shay a few tries before he actually gets Lady moving. It’s slow, and his body catches up with the rhythm quicker than most. I don’t know why, but I expected that from Shay. After a while, he takes off, and I jog beside them for as long as I can until Shay whistles softly before telling Lady to go faster. His foot digs into her side, and she obeys.

“Traitor.” I’m smiling as they race across the field. The sun blinds me for a moment, and I cover my eyes as I watch Shay control Lady like he’s been doing it his whole life. I didn’t think I could love anyone the way I love Shay, but the longer we are together, and the more I get to know Shay, I’m falling deeper in love with him.

Two weeks ago we got married with just us and his family and mine. We kept it intimate and quiet. It was perfect.

Shay turns and starts galloping back to me. I hear a vehicle and look back up at the house as a BMW pulls around the back. It was his dad; he had the code to the gate. He didn’t like me, but we were civil to each other for Shay’s sake. His mom, on the other hand, I loved. She climbs out and waves at me. I give her a wave back, and I’m genuinely happy to see them here.

The hooves pounding the ground grow louder as Shay makes his way to me. I turn back to him and drop my hand from my eyes; the closer he comes, the clearer the image of him gets.

“Did I tell you my parents were coming?” Shay asks the moment he stops beside me. He climbs off Lady with ease and rubs her side. “That’s a good girl.”

“No, you didn’t.” I meet him at Lady’s side. “But I’m glad they are here.”

Shay stops rubbing Lady and looks at me. It’s a look that I don’t think I’ll ever get used to.

“I’m so fucking lucky.” He leans in and captures my chin, kissing me.

“Yes, you are,” I respond with a smile into the kiss.

“Go on up to the house. I’ll put Lady back in her stable.”

Shay presses another kiss to my lips before he walks off toward his parents to greet them.


Everyone is in the kitchen when I wash up.

“Ava, thanks so much for coming.” I accept the hug from Shay’s mom. She’s always so kind.

Once I step out of the embrace from her, I meet Shay’s dads’ gaze. “Mr. O’Reagan.” I address him.

“Emma.” My name is clipped, but he has started to acknowledge me now.

With Shay’s mom, it’s so easy.

“Sit down, and I’ll put a salad together,” I say.

She’s smiling. “I love your home.” She’s looking around the newly furnished kitchen. I love it too. It's decorated real Irish country style, not what you would expect from the outside, but I wanted something that was warm and welcoming.

“When will the food be ready?” Shay asks while closing the fridge door. I know he drank from the orange juice carton.

“Did you drink from the carton?” I ask.

“Of course, he did.” Shay’s mom sits down, but her voice holds such love for Shay.

“Actually, I didn’t.” Shay lies, and when he grins, my heart jumps.

“Food will be ready in twenty minutes,” I say and open the fridge door, forcing Shay to move back. I take out everything I need for the salad.

“Okay, we’ll be back in twenty minutes.” Shay leaves the kitchen with his dad, and I can’t stop the nervous flutter as they leave the room. I don’t Copyright 2016 - 2024