Mafia King (Young Irish Rebels #2) - Vi Carter Page 0,96

don’t reach out and drag her away from Noel.

“I don’t want to leave Shay. I love him.” Emma’s words are low like she can keep everyone in the room from hearing her words. But they all do. Liam gives me a nod before turning to Jack.

“Let’s go, son.” Jack follows his father out of the room. His head is bent with confusion, but when they leave the room, some weight is lifted off my shoulders.

“We should go, too.” My da is looking out the door that Liam had gone through. He’s right. This place will be swarming with Gardai soon.

“It’s called Stockholm Syndrome,” Noel’s petty words make me laugh.

“Don’t be such a cunt.” I take Emma’s hand, and she glares at me with irritation.

“We need to leave now, love. This place will be swarming with Gardai soon.”

“Come with us.” She tells Noel.

I can’t help but be a vindictive fucker and grin at him. I won, so now he can fuck off, but he agrees with his sister.

“What about Ma?” I ask as we start for the door.

I knew my da would have had an escape plan, especially at an O’Reagan wedding. The death of his brother’s wife had left them all over the top about functions and security. I didn’t have my guests searched. In hindsight, I should have.

“I’ve already got her safely outside, and she's waiting for us.”

We leave the room, and I hold Emma’s hand tightly as we move through passageways that have been mapped out for us.

We emerge close to the river that flows at the back of the castle, and my ma stands near the edge, her hair billowing around her from the wind. She pushes it back as we walk toward her. The relief is instant when she sees both my da and I. She’s running, and when she bypasses my da, I drop Emma’s hand to catch her as she bursts into tears.

“I thought….” She cries into my neck. “My baby.” Her sobs continue as Da walks to the river’s edge with Noel and Emma.

“I’m fine, Ma,” I tell her and unwrap her from my neck.

“I thought you were shot.”

I grin at her. “Nah. Come on, we better go.”

My da disappears, and as I lead my ma to the edge of the river, my da is waiting with outstretched arms and takes her from me. I turn to Noel and Emma.

I’d push him into the river if I could. I hold out my hand to Emma, and she hesitates. “Noel first,” she says.

“He can manage himself.”

I keep my hand out, and once Noel fucking moves and gets into the waiting boat, Emma takes my hand. She pauses and looks back at the castle. I can see so much pulsate across her face.

“We will get married, love.”

She turns to me with widening eyes.

“Just not today.” I kiss her hand before releasing it and get into the boat to help Emma in. Once we are all aboard, my da kicks the engine into gear, and we are speeding away from the destruction of the day that should have been perfect. I pull Emma close to me and nestle her along my side, blocking as much of the wind as possible as we race towards safety.

She still trembles beside me from the cold and shock. I remove my jacket and wrap it around her shoulders. I look up to find Noel watching us. His gaze dances to where he had shot me. It aches, and I know at this second I am so lucky to be alive. I tighten my hold on Emma and press a kiss to the crown of her head.

She was safe, and I got the North back. My ma is sitting beside my da, and when they look at each other, I can see hope. Hope that it has all ended and they can live their lives.

I had given them some peace telling them that Frankie’s murder was resolved. I wouldn’t rest until I found out who was behind it, but I’m grateful I can give them some peace.

In the distance, I see the flashing blue lights as several Gardaí cars race down the driveway to the castle.

I face forward with more hope than I’ve ever had in my life.



“Get off the horse.” I place my hands on my hips to let Shay know I’m serious.

“What, love?” He tries to give me an innocent look that he can’t pull off.

“You can’t smoke while on a horse. So just get off if you aren’t Copyright 2016 - 2024