Mad Max - Sapphire Knight Page 0,68

an understatement.” He sits in the chair across from me, openly checking out everything on my desk.

“What’s that mean?”

“One of our warehouses have been shot up, mine specifically. A few fellas were robbed. It’s a mess really.”

“No,” I gasp. This is the Mafia. The streets will be painted in blood merely to prove a point. I have no doubt in my mind that Maximillian will be at the very front of that retribution and this will only end up escalating in the end. He could end up hurt, or worse, dead. I don’t want to go to any more funerals, not for the rest of my life. I’m sick of them, and of weeping for the people I knew.

“A couple runners were killed. Their product has vanished, as well as the cash in their pockets, of course. I had to clean up and wait around for orders. It wasn’t a pretty sight, to say the least, but we’ll get to the bottom of the issue, I’m certain.” I am scared of what all of it means for him, the city, and anyone in his path.

“That’s horrible. I feel so bad for their famiglias. Did you find out who did this? Will they return?”

“I have an idea who it is, and there’s always a chance, I suppose.”

I swallow, not liking the contemplative look overtaking his features. “Max? What will you do?” I ask as a blast shakes the building. I scream, sheer panic consuming my thoughts. Everyone in the offices spread down the hallway shouting in fear. We’re instantly thrown into chaos, unsure of what’s happening nor what to do.

“MAX!” I screech, freaking out more so from what we just discussed, and then add this into the mix. I don’t know what to think right now, only that I don’t want us to die today…not like this. We have so much left unsaid, and after losing my famiglia, that’s the last thing I desire.

He’s up and reaching for me in an instant. One of his hands covers my mouth as he leans in, noses nearly brushing. His finger rests over his lips, and he orders, “Shh. Get down behind your desk and don’t move again until I direct you to.”

“W-what was that?” I manage to get around his hand.

“Someone took out the lift. They’ll be coming up the stairwell, I suspect.”

“But why? What the hell is happening?”

He presses a kiss to my forehead and removes his hand. He whispers, “Shh! They’re coming after you. They plan to take you. Same as they’ve attempted with me. Only, I killed them before they had the chance. I’m here. I won’t allow them to harm you. The bloody tossers will have to destroy me first.”

“Who is it? Why me?”

“The Irish, darling. They’ve been hitting New York, but the Vendetti Empire has struck back. They’ve been toying with taking out the viable Mafia organizations in the States. I suppose the Chicago Syndicate is next on their list, and everyone knows you’re my wife. The announcement was painted across the papers and websites.”

I saw them as well, but it’s still a surprise that anyone would pay that much attention. I’m no threat to anyone, and you’d think with Max they’d want to keep away from me. “Fuck! Max, w-we can’t stay here. I don’t want to die. Not like this. No more death.”

“Don’t you dare move that pretty round arse anywhere, love. Trust me.” As much as it goes against everything in me to place my faith in him, there’s no other option to take. I have to. He knows this life and how to stay alive, apparently. I’ve been kept out of majority of it, at least this side, so I take his word on it.

There’s an abundance of rapid gunfire, the noise growing closer, so I curl into a ball behind my desk, clutching my hands over my ears. My eyes clench closed as I hear shots pop off nearby. The air stirs in front of me, my eyes shooting open. I stare forward taking in the dead man’s unblinking irises across from me on the floor of the opposite side of my desk. He has dark hair, green eyes, and tattoos covering his neck. The only thing I can contemplate as I stare my fill is that thug was going to murder me.

Max killed him to keep me safe. He did exactly as he promised.

More of the hoodlums run inside and, one by one, they die by Max’s hand. He’s an executioner, the Copyright 2016 - 2024