Mad Max - Sapphire Knight Page 0,69

Joker’s henchman. Time passes, everything feels like it takes forever, but it could only be minutes, as time is lost on me. I’m frightened, excited, and exhausted all rolled up into one. Mix that with so many words left unsaid, I can only recite prayer after prayer.

Eventually, Giovanna is shoved behind the desk with me. I move to her and we wrap our arms around each other, not letting go. She cries hysterically in my hold, while I can’t stop trembling as I stare at the floor where the dead man remains. Gunfire rains in the air, the blasts deafening, but not nearly as much as the cries of pain. Those are the noises that resonate within me, creating an unforgettable impact. There’s so much going on, I can’t help but worry it’s too much for Max to take on alone. Formidable force or not, there’s only so much one man can handle himself, especially when he’s already been shot…by me.

Giovanna’s dragged away from me, and I scramble to clutch her tighter. Losing her has my fight-or-flight response igniting, and I reach for my envelope opener in a panic. It’s the only possible weapon I possess within my grasp. A strong hand grabs me, yanking me, and I spin with the metal raised, ready to stab and maim to survive this attack. I won’t go without a fight. I’m strong.

“Ismerlda!” is, barked and thankfully, he’s on his game when I thrust the knife at him, and he catches my wrist before I do any damage. “Darling,” he coos soothingly, yanking me to his chest. He holds me so tightly it physically hurts, but it’s exactly what I need to shake me out of survival mode. My body trembles and being in his embrace has the tears falling. “I have you. You’re safe.”

“I was so scared. I can’t lose anyone else. I can’t endure the thought.” I weep against his solid frame and he continues to hold me. He lets me cry and clutch him until I can pull myself together enough to face the carnage again. I don’t want to. I’d rather let him deal with it while I pretend it never happened. If he hadn’t been here, I’d be dead right now. It would be me on the floor bleeding out and not the men sent to get me.

I eventually admit, “I couldn’t bear the thought of them killing you. I was going to stab them to death.”

Back in the car with Tyson was different. It was only him and me, and I had a weapon against one, maybe two people. The things I heard today weren’t the screech of a car hitting another, or a pop from a few gunshots. Those thugs came here heavily armed. I never would’ve stood a chance by the sounds of what I heard. I need to start carrying the small gun in my purse again, I thought I was over that, but apparently not. At least I’d have had another layer of protection today if it were the case. Rather, I was left nearly defenseless.

“How many were there?” I ask.

“At least six,” he rumbles, and my breath hitches. “Maybe eight.”

“Six of them…big goons, all for me?”

“They knew I’d have some blokes on you for your safety. They came prepared. However, they didn’t anticipate me breaking free, slaughtering the fucks, and calling in our crew. I had a dozen syndicate on the way here to protect you before I’d tossed the dead bodies from the vehicle I was taken in. They never stood a chance. I vowed to protect you. I’ll have you know I don’t take the responsibility lightly.”

I release a pent-up breath. The severity of this situation front and center is enough to make anyone wary. If Maximillian wasn’t so close to Joker, nor in the sort of position he is, today would’ve ended much differently for me. For the first time, I personally understand why my father was so adamant that if I ever married mob, they be powerful. Perhaps he wasn’t only proposing this match for my famiglia’s safety, but for my own? He’d lived the life, neck deep, he’d know what enemies the syndicate would be facing, and apparently they weren’t only the Vendettis.

“I need to pack my things,” I reason, casting my gaze around my office over the desk and shelves. So much of it is ruined, littered with bullet holes and drywall dust. They’ll have to gut my office to repair it and offer the position. Copyright 2016 - 2024