Mad Max - Sapphire Knight Page 0,67

slide under my back, his large hands cupping each of my shoulders as he drives deep, staying pressed up against me as much as he can without hurting me. We’re dangerously close, to the point our vulnerabilities are showing, and I’ve never felt rawer.

My palms find his cheeks, holding them as I take in every moment of his openness towards me. I watch him in return, taking in every whisper and grit of his teeth until he comes. He’s glorious in his pleasure, the strain of his jaw, the tautness of his neck muscles as he clenches. I draw it all in, implanting it to memory. I know now, I’ll never have enough of him. I’m obsessed, sickly so.

I wake to my alarm, anticipating the cold bed at his absence, not wanting to face the reality of it. Only it’s warm, and Max’s still here. I stir, pressing my phone alarm off and turn to take him in for as long as I’m able to while he remains asleep. He’s the most attractive man I’ve ever seen. Not counting magazine covers and what not, but in person, his beauties intimidating. I don’t know how I didn’t notice it before, but since last night, something’s shifted inside me and between us.

I’d previously referred to him as pale, but he’s got a soft tan, even with it always feeling so cold here he’s somehow managed to get a bit of color. Light freckles pepper his skin in random places, beckoning me to lick the beauty marks in every single spot. A freckle shouldn’t look so sexy and enticing. His golden hair has fallen over his forehead once more, and again I find myself wanting to push it back where it belongs. He’s everything a true predator emits. He invites you in, unknowingly forcing you to lower your guard, when in fact he’s a shark waiting to take a bite.

His eyes part, giving me a secret glimpse at the man without the arrogant mask. “I dreamed of you.” he admits, his voice rough with sleep.

“I dream of you every night. At least, that’s what Giovanna tells me.”

He nods, reaching out to run his fingertip along my arm. “I know.”

“You do?”

“She informed me of them the first night she rang my mobile.”

I move on, asking, “You keep coming back?” I haven’t told him to stop.

His phone vibrates and it distracts him. He reads the text and jumps out of bed with a quiet curse. “I have to go,” he states and dresses in record speed, about to leave.

“Maximillian,” I interrupt, still shaken up from last night.

He moves to me, his hand shifting to caress my face. He tenderly runs his knuckles along my jawline. “We have a lot to chat over.”

I swallow and ask, “You don’t hate me for shooting you? Want me dead?” My gaze flashes to the area I’ve seen full of stitches. It’s covered now with his clothes.

“You didn’t kill me, nor did you come back to finish the job. We’re not done yet,” he states confidently without room for argument, and then he’s gone.

I don’t hear from him for a while, so I move on with what needs to be done. I work on getting my parents’ home situated and getting myself back into work regularly. None of it will be easy, but I must begin to move forward and learn to heal my heart. I can’t go through life filled with regret and anger. Sadness is plenty, no need to throw in any more emotions while I’m at it.

Bring me your suffering.

The rattle roar of broken bones.

Bring me the riot in your heart.

Angry, wild and raw.

Bring it all.

I am not afraid of the dark.

– Mia Hollow

“What happened to you?” I question instantly, taking in Max’s dark eye and scraped-up cheek the moment he enters my office at work. Did he get into a fight? I’ve grown accustomed to him being the most unhinged man in the room, but I’m still at a loss seeing him injured as he appears to be. I may’ve shot him, but I took off immediately. I wasn’t left staring at his injuries like I am now. “I haven’t seen you or heard from you since you left Giovanna’s. What happened and are you okay? You look like hell.”

“I’m still breathing. Not an easy tosser to knock off, I assure you. I’d received a message that there was a bit of trouble at work. I showed up and swiftly discovered we’d been hit. Trouble was Copyright 2016 - 2024