
She shook her head as she turned and walked across the room to the dresser.

“We can talk later, Ian,” she said as she pulled a drawer free and collected a thong and matching bra. “I’m not ready to discuss your horrid manners at this time. I’d prefer to relax for a while.”

“My horrid manners?” There was definitely a tone of offense there. “How the hell were my manners horrid? What’s gotten into you?”

She turned back to him, sighing deeply.

“You left my bed within ten minutes of believing I was asleep.” She counted off a finger. “You didn’t just leave my bed, you returned to your own.” She counted off another. “This morning, I awoke alone, without even an invitation to join you for breakfast.” The third finger went down. “And when I sought you out, Jason informed me, quite bluntly, that you were too busy to be bothered. Now go back to whatever required your attention and leave me be to get ready. At the moment, shopping is definitely preferable to being in your company.”

Well now, he didn’t appear to care much for that little announcement.

His eyes darkened, glittering with lust as his expression became decidedly carnal. Now wasn’t this interesting?

“You are the one who sought out my company,” he growled. “If you intend to leave for the entire f**king day, then you can at least be pleasant about it.” He advanced on her, his eyelids lowering, not exactly narrowing, but giving him a hungry, wicked look.

Her own response was immediate, and not welcome as far as she was concerned. Her br**sts became instantly swollen, her ni**les rasping against the soft material of the sweater as her pu**y began to heat.

“I did not seek out your company,” she informed him imperiously. “I have left you alone this morning, Ian. And your dominance is not appreciated at this moment. Save it for a time when it might be.”

A smile curled his lip as she frowned back at him.

“My dominance is a twenty-four/seven kind of thing, Courtney,” he informed her darkly, stopping within inches of her as he stared down at her. “You’re right, you were very remiss in not reminding me to discuss the rules with you. I assumed you knew that when you informed me so confidently of how well you knew me.”

Before she could avoid him, before she could prepare herself, his arm lifted, his hands tangling in her long hair to pull her head back.

The sheer dominance of the move had her nerve endings instantly screaming in response. Perverts that those nerve endings could be. They were depraved. There was now no doubt about it.

Chapter Seven

Courtney fought for breath as Ian’s head lowered, his lips heavy with passion as they neared hers.

“Take off your pants,” he ordered roughly. “You may go out to plan the destruction of the world as I know it, but I’ll be damned if you won’t go without a reminder of me.”

He licked at her lips then, a teasing reminder of the pleasure he could bring her with them as her hands moved to the snap of her jeans.

“This is completely Neanderthal,” she rasped, despite the fact that her lust was rising with each breath she took, simply because of it.

“What’s your bitch?” He nipped at her lips. “I bet it’s making you wet, Courtney. I bet that pretty pu**y is so slick and hot it’s all you can do to bear it.”

His point was?

“That is not the issue, Ian. My pu**y stays wet for you. It has no common sense in that regard,” she groaned, wishing he would just kiss her and get it the hell over with. She could feel the horrible, mind-destroying arousal beginning to climb as her cl*t became more swollen, her ni**les tightening with fiery need.

She was hopeless.

A creature of complete hunger, ready and willing to do his bidding. Ahh, but the life of a sex slave, she thought with some humor.

“Get the pants off, Courtney,” he growled as she deliberately took her time. “Then we’ll see what kind of game we can come up with to amuse ourselves until Tally arrives.”

Oh, that was going to be a hard one. She trembled at the idea.

“My boots,” she whispered. “The jeans will catch…”

He released her slowly, moving back no more than a foot as he stared down at her, his expression determined, dominant.

“Undress. All the way.”

She licked her lips slowly. Turning, she moved to the oak chest at the bottom of the bed, propped a foot on it and slid the zipper down on the half-boot before removing it and repeating with the second boot.