
He f**ked her harder. Faster. Slamming inside her with a power she could not have anticipated as she felt her body dissolving beneath him. Flesh and bone became liquid, pliant, melting, exploding as the orgasm began to rush through her. She didn’t explode in release, she didn’t come. She melted and became him. On and on the soul-deep merging whipped around her as she tightened on his burrowing cock, her juices flowing between, melding them together, wiping her senses and replacing them with Ian.

With Ian…


The word bloomed in Ian’s mind, his very being, as he felt the scalding violence of his release as it erupted from his cock. Something happened, changed. As he held her tight beneath him, heard the greedy need in her voice, felt it in the tight ripple of her pu**y and felt her orgasm, he felt something rip inside him.

A knowledge.

No woman had ever surrendered so easily to him.

No one had ever opened that part of him he kept so carefully hidden. That he hid even from himself. And now it tore open. He felt it. Felt his soul rip in half and something, some dark, forbidden emotion began to flow from him, into her. Began to build inside him until nothing was enough, until he hungered even as he became sated. Until he needed even as he was given.

Until nothing, no one existed but Courtney and the ravaging needs building inside his own soul.

It wasn’t enough. He could still feel her beneath him, her pu**y contracting around his cock, sucking at it, eager for more even as she fought to catch her breath. She was wilder than the wind, hotter than the deepest pits of a volcano and as pure as the deepest reaches of the ocean. And so much a part of him he could feel her reaching out to him, binding him, locking a part of his soul to hers.

“It’s sex,” he growled at her ear then, furious, savage, fighting to reclaim what no one else had ever possessed. “Do you understand me, Courtney? It’s sex. No more. No less.”

Her pu**y rippled around his dick, stroking it, keeping him hard when he should have been satisfied, should have been sated. Keeping him on the edge of a hunger he couldn’t hide from.

“Mmm.” The sound was drowsy, yet filled with hunger. “Whatever you say, Ian. Whatever it is, can we do it again?”

He forced himself to retreat. With every measure of strength inside him he forced himself to pull his hard flesh free of the fist-tight grip she had on him, grimacing in pleasure, in regret as the broad head popped free.

Tearing himself from her was harder. He wanted to scream as he moved, every cell in his body aching to return to her, to feel the soft touch of her flesh against his. As though the electrical currents flowing between them were being ripped apart, the pain sliced at his flesh.

“I have work to do.” It was impossible to contain the fury building within him. “You have lunch.”

He could feel her. He could f**king feel her rolling over on the bed, her gaze caressing his back as he jerked his pants from the floor and quickly dressed. Goddamn, he had to get away from her. He had to break whatever the bloody hell was suddenly binding them together, and he had to break it quickly. Before it went much further.

She didn’t speak. She just f**king watched him.

He glanced back at her, fury pulsing through his body at the soft, welling emotion in those deep brown eyes. Eyes that ensnared him, that made him feel. Damn her to bloody f**king hell, if he wanted to feel this, he would have sought her out. She wouldn’t have had to come to him.

“It’s just sex,” he snarled again, the anger pumping through his veins, thickening his blood, forcing his heart to race to keep it flowing through his veins.

“Yes, Ian. It’s just sex,” she agreed, too softly, too easily and with too much goddamned emotion in her voice.

“And don’t forget it.” He jerked the shirt over his shoulders before bending to collect his shoes and socks. “Never f**king forget it.”

“Never, Ian.” She sounded satisfied, not sated, but her voice echoed with pleasure.

Clenching his teeth against the surging forces rising within him, he turned and stomped from her room, striding quickly to his own.

It was just sex…

He pushed his fingers roughly through his hair at the thought. If it was just sex, if it were nothing more than he had known with all the women before him, then why did he crave her touch now, more than he had before he went to her? Why did he hunger for something that had no name, no definition? Something that now ate at his soul and he knew would never again allow him any peace.

If it was just sex, then why in the hell was his soul screaming that it was more…

So much more…

* * * * *

The last thing Courtney wanted to do was leave Ian and have lunch, go shopping or try to be civil in any way, shape or form. She wanted to race after Ian, wanted to scream at him, demand that he stop hiding from her just when she could feel him reaching out to her.

But she showered, dressed, and when she left her room she restrained from slamming the bedroom door and cursing violently.