
Stubborn man. He was so intent to show her how little it mattered, how little she would matter as his lover, that he was cutting his own nose off to spite his face. And it was a game she wasn’t willing to play.

Entering her bedroom, she strode to the closet. The sweater and jeans were perfect for a day in the garden, but shopping required clothing more suited to the adventure. Something easily taken off, to make way for changes. Low-heeled shoes rather than the high-heeled, half-boots she now wore.

As she reached into the closet for the below knee-length, button-up cotton sweater dress she chose, the bedroom door was pushed opened rather forcefully, to clash against the wall. Turning, she frowned at Ian, as he stood framed in the doorway.

“Your entrances leave much to be desired,” she stated mockingly.

“Where the hell do you think you’re going with Tally Conover?” His expression was borderline angry.

“Shopping,” she answered him with a shrug as she laid the dress over the back of the nearby chair before stooping to retrieve the low-heeled walking shoes she had bought to go with it.

“Tally never just goes shopping.” He snorted. “Shopping to her is seeing how much trouble she and those other women can create in one day.”

“Excellent.” She flashed him a brilliant smile as she straightened and set the shoes on the floor beside the chair. “Sounds like the type of company I enjoy. Life would be rather boring otherwise, Ian.”

“Not for you.” He closed the door behind him, watching her broodingly. “You create enough havoc on your own. You don’t need any help.”

She allowed a sense of pleasure and pride to infuse her expression.

“Thank you, Ian. That’s one of the nicest compliments I’ve received today. Now, I really need to get ready.”

A quick frown furrowed his brows.

“How long does it take to get ready to go shopping?”

“I’ll be pressed for time the way it is,” she sighed. “Tally will be here in an hour and a half.”

Actually, it took her no time to get ready, but she would be damned if she was ready to deal with Ian right now. He looked much too dark, too sexy for her peace of mind. Especially after last night.

“I would prefer that you didn’t go.” His expression filled with chilly disapproval.

“Why? Because Tally is married to two of the Trojans? What, you thought I hadn’t heard the gossip on your married members?” She laughed at the faint surprise in his expression. “It’s been a little over a week, Ian. I learned who was who, married when, and f**ked where, during those two dismally boring parties you insisted I attend those first few days. I would guess I’m acquainted with the better portion of your club memberships through hearsay. By the way, is it really true that Khalid has a harem?”

His eyes closed briefly as he pushed his fingers through his dark, loose hair.

“Trouble waiting to happen,” he muttered as his eyes opened and he pinned her with a fierce stare. “After last night, I thought we could have lunch…”

“Why?” She propped her hand on her hip as she faced him squarely. “You set the rules this morning, Ian. You couldn’t even share the bed you f**ked me in. I was remiss, I guess, in learning the rules before pressing myself into your life. I was under the impression lovers slept together.”

He crossed his arms over his chest. “I know you’re upset—”

Why now, she just couldn’t have him thinking she was upset, could she? She gave him a mental, mocking roll of her eyes.

“Actually I’m not.” She smiled lightly. “Merely adjusting. We can discuss this after dark perhaps. I’m certain the cold light of day makes things rather uncomfortable for you. It’s so much harder to hide from the truth then. I’ll make it easy on you and we’ll discuss it tonight. If I’m home in time.”

“Why wouldn’t you be?” His voice lowered almost dangerously.

“Tally mentioned dinner with friends.” There wasn’t a chance in hell she was going to let him intimidate her. “I may be late returning.”

That bit of information didn’t seem to please him very well. Good, she thought.

“Good Lord, the fate of the known universe is in danger,” he growled then. “Did she happen to mention the friends involved?”

He sounded rather serious. How cute. And how very interesting.

“Only one, actually. Terrie, I believe. I’m certain the known universe is in no danger from us though.”

“You don’t know Tally,” he grunted. “Stay here. We could spend the time together.”