Logan (Dad Bod Doms #1) - Golden Angel Page 0,14

get you two ready for the day, then we’ll make Mommy breakfast to surprise her, okay?”

Both of them brightened. “Okay, Daddy!”


Coming up out of sleep, she felt really good. Rested.

Oh God.

Felicity sat bolt upright.

She shouldn’t feel rested. She never felt rested. She’d overslept her alarm.

The kids.

Her sleep-logged brain prodded at her. The kids had gone to bed with her and should have woken her up even if her alarm hadn’t. Where were the kids?

She lurched out of the covers and yanked open the bedroom door.

The sounds from the kitchen downstairs registered before the smell of something burning, then Logan’s deep voice. She couldn’t make out what he was saying but recognized his voice and relaxed, especially after Oliver’s higher piping tones replied.

Then her muscles tensed again.

Crap, she was still late.

Turning around, she rushed back into the room, slamming the door behind her. She was in the closet, yanking on clothes when she heard the door to the bedroom open.

“Where’s Mommy?”

“In the closet,” she called back. “I overslept. I don’t know how that happened.”

“Because I took your phone so I could call out of work for you, and the alarm wouldn’t wake you up,” Logan answered, his voice even. Felicity stilled. Before she could decide how she felt about that, Oliver spoke up.

“Mommy, come out! We have a surprise for you!”

“Surprise, Mommy!” Althea echoed.

Tugging on the shirt she’d been pulling over her head, Felicity walked out of the closet to face her family. Logan was standing behind the two kids, holding a tray with what looked like a mimosa, a cup of coffee, and a plate of food, although she couldn’t make out what. Oliver was holding a plate with a muffin on it, and Althea was holding a flower. Both of the kids grinned at her while Logan’s expression was more serious.

Felicity burst into tears again. She didn’t know how she had any tears left in her, but somehow there they were. Thirty seconds later, everyone was hugging her. Logan around her body, Oliver around her waist, and Althea clinging to her knees.

“Did we do it wrong?” Oliver asked, sounding worried.

“No, no, baby.” She hiccupped, trying to get a hold of herself.

“You know how sometimes you cry when you’re really happy?” Logan asked, putting his hand on Oliver’s head reassuringly. “Well, Mommy’s really happy and touched we made her breakfast.”

“It’s good?”

“Yes, it’s good, sweetheart,” Felicity said, managing to finally stymie the flow of tears. She pulled away from Logan, so she could crouch down and reassure her children. “Thank you so much.” She hugged both of them to her, closing her eyes as their small arms wrapped around her, hugging her back fiercely. “It’s perfect.”

“Okay, you two. Time to let Mommy have her breakfast. Daddy is going to take you to daycare today, remember?”

“You are?” Felicity asked, looking up at him, startled. When he’d said she had the day off from work, she’d just assumed she’d take the kids to daycare, then have the day off from there.

“I am,” he said firmly. “You officially have today off from everything. No work. And Trish and Marie should be here in…” He glanced at his watch. “One hour. They’re going to take you to another surprise and to lunch. Then you’ll have the afternoon to do whatever you want.”

Their eyes met, and he smiled gently, apology and warmth in his eyes. Felicity nearly started crying again, so relieved he wasn’t angry about how she behaved the night before. She didn’t regret getting mad, exactly, but she did wish she hadn’t blown up. She wished she hadn’t kicked him out.

He tilted his head toward the bed, where her breakfast was now waiting on her nightstand—eggs, bacon, fruit, and the blueberry muffin Oliver had been holding. The smell of coffee was already permeating her brain, making her body ache.

“Enjoy, sweetheart.” Stepping forward, he brushed a light kiss over her lips before turning away to the kids. “Okay, guys, let’s get you ready to go. We’ll say goodbye to Mommy before we leave.”

Logan ushered them out the door, leaving Felicity standing alone, feeling simultaneously joyous and guilty.


As much as Logan wanted to keep an eye on Felicity, he knew the best thing he could do for her was to make sure the kids were taken care of. Seeing the relief fill her expression when he’d told her the plan for the day, despite her annoyance at his high-handedness, had confirmed she needed a break. If he hadn’t been so self-involved, he would have offered her

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