Logan (Dad Bod Doms #1) - Golden Angel Page 0,13

his own fault he was tired, and she had to have been at least as tired than he was if not more.

When he didn’t hear any noise in the house, he frowned. That was weird. Hurrying up the stairs, he saw the kids’ bedroom door was open. For just a second, his heart clenched in parental fear, but the back of his mind was already insisting they must be in his and Felicity’s room with her. Of the two of them, he’d been the one to put his foot down about not having the kids sleeping with them, and she had always been the pushover.

Gently easing the door open, he relaxed when he saw he was right. Felicity was still zonked out, curled up around Althea. Oliver was awake, sitting up in the bed and watching the door. His eyes lit up when he saw Logan, and Logan quickly put his finger to his lips, praying Oliver wouldn’t wake up Felicity.

“Daddy!” Oliver whispered happily, scooting to the edge of the bed and practically throwing himself into Logan’s arms, waking up Althea, but not Felicity. After a second glance, Logan could see, even closed, Felicity’s eyes were pink and swollen as if she’d been crying hard. Her skin was still a little blotchy, too. His heart twisted inside his chest.

Yeah, he’d done that to her.

Hugging Oliver hard, he put him down as Althea blinked and her little brow furrowed.

“Let’s not wake up Mommy, okay?” Logan whispered, reaching for Althea. He managed to slide her out of Felicity’s arms and snuggled her against his chest without a sound. Althea was always slow to wake up, unlike Oliver, who went from zero to one hundred in sixty seconds flat. Althea was happy to be carried out of the room while Oliver made a big show of tiptoeing, his movements becoming even more exaggerated when he saw Logan grinning at him. Before moving away from the bed, Logan had the presence of mind to snag Felicity’s phone from the bedside table.

“Okay, you two, can you pick out what you want to wear while I make a quick phone call?” he asked, setting Althea down. Rather than moving away, she immediately wrapped her arms around his leg, burying her face against his thigh. Then her little head tilted back, and she stared up at him pleadingly, with big Puss-in-Boots eyes, he could never resist.

“Up, up!”

With a groan, Logan bent down and scooped her up with one arm. Sighing happily, Althea wrapped herself around him like a little limpet, burying her face in the crook of his shoulder.

“I can dress myself,” Oliver said, pushing out his tiny chest.

“Thanks, buddy,” Logan said. Luckily, he only needed one hand to operate the phone, and when he was done with the call, he could handle Althea. Or, more likely, she would handle him. Keeping one eye on Oliver, who was intently inspecting the contents of his drawers, Logan pressed the phone to his ear and jiggled Althea, who giggled. As soon as Felicity’s boss picked up, Logan started his spiel.

“Hey, Amber, Felicity isn’t feeling too well, and I’d like her to stay home today—”

“Oh, good,” Amber said immediately, almost over top of him. “She’s been so pale the past few days, even more so than usual. I was wondering if she might be coming down with something, but you know how she is, she just keeps going.”

Logan coughed. “Ah, right.” Didn’t that make him feel even more like shit? Felicity’s boss had noticed she was struggling this week, but he hadn’t. I’m only a bad husband if I don’t try to make it better. “Anyway, I’m going to keep her home today, so she doesn’t get worse.”

“Good, good. Thanks for letting me know and tell her I hope she feels better soon.”

“Will do, thanks, Amber.”

When he hung up, both kids were staring at him with concern.

“Mommy sick?” Althea asked.

“Ah, just a little,” he said, not wanting to outright lie to the kids—not a lesson he wanted them to learn. “Mommy’s tired. She needs a day off work.”

Both of them nodded sagely.

“Mommy is very tired,” Oliver agreed. Logan hoped his son was talking about the fact Felicity was still asleep. If even his kids had noticed Felicity needed rest, and he hadn’t… He wasn’t sure how much worse he could feel, but he was starting to think he was on his way to finding out.

He pushed his issues aside. There would be plenty of time to dwell on them later.


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