Logan (Dad Bod Doms #1) - Golden Angel Page 0,12


Felicity cackled. “Marie would probably tell you she has no experience with that.” She would have to tell her and Trish about this conversation later, they’d be in stitches.

A sudden wail through the baby monitor had her sitting straight up. Althea was awake, which meant Oliver would be awake. They still wanted to share a room, which Felicity loved, but at times like this, she felt as though separate rooms couldn’t come too soon.

“Oops, duty calls,” Anita said, waving at her phone screen, then making a shooing motion. “Call us if you need us again. Anytime, day or night.”

“Yes! Seriously, any time,” Tania reiterated, more sternly, so that it was an order. Sometimes, Felicity thought she’d make a decent Domme. “Love you, lady!”

“Love you!”

“Love you both, thank you so much.”

If she’d had any tears left, she’d be blinking them back. She loved them so much. Althea’s wail sounded again, and Felicity hurriedly swiped to end the call, rushing to their bedroom.

Sitting up in her toddler bed, Althea raised her arms as soon as Felicity opened the door. Turning sideways, Felicity slipped in, trying to keep as much light out of the room as possible. There was still some small hope Oliver would fall right back asleep.

“Hey, baby, what’s wrong?” Felicity whispered, kneeling down beside Althea’s bed and gathering her up into her arms. She stroked the soft curls on the back of Althea’s neck, trying to soothe her.

“Ni’mare,” Althea mumbled.

In his bed, Oliver sighed and turned over, wide awake despite her hopes. “I can’t sleep, Mommy. Can we come sleep with you?”

She only hesitated a moment before nodding. Everyone was out of sorts tonight.

She shouldn’t have kicked Logan out. She probably should have left him to put the kids to bed while she left to get a handle on herself. Why hadn’t that option occurred to her? Mom guilt maybe. Ugh. She hated to think she had stayed home because her subconscious thought she was the parent who should be at home with the kids.

She’d have to deal with that later, though.

Right now, everyone could use some cuddling, including her. Special circumstances. She didn’t want to sleep alone tonight, either—if she even managed to fall asleep in her lonely bed. It wouldn’t be so lonely with two kids cuddled up next to her.

“Come on,” she said, hefting Althea up onto her hip, while Oliver scrambled out of his sheets. “For tonight only, as a special treat.”

“Okay. Is Daddy going to sleep with us, too?” Oliver asked.

Felicity hesitated. “I’m not sure, sweetie, he might not be back ‘til the morning. But you can snuggle with me until then.”

Oliver yawned. “‘kay.”

Relieved he didn’t question her further—she really didn’t think Logan would be back tonight—Felicity took his hand and led him to her bedroom, Althea already snoozing on her shoulder.

She got the kids tucked into her bed, Althea only whining a little as Felicity promised she’d be right back, then changed into her own pajamas. By the time she finished washing her face and brushing her teeth, they were both fast asleep in the middle of the big bed. Smiling ruefully, she crawled in next to Althea and was asleep within moments.

Chapter Three


Walking into his home at seven in the morning felt very strange. Logan hadn’t been able to sleep much. Trish and Marie’s guest bedroom was very nice, but it wasn’t his bed, and he’d stayed up far too late, thinking about all the ways he’d gone wrong yesterday. Which meant he’d woken up way earlier than he usually did.

On weekdays, Felicity woke up first since she had to be at work earlier. The kids got up around the same time, and she got herself and them ready. Logan would wake up, shower, get ready, take over breakfast, so Felicity could rush out the door, then he’d take the kids to daycare.

Which, when he thought about it, meant she took the brunt of the parenting in the morning, went to work, picked the kids up, then didn’t get her downtime until he took over after dinner. Something he was going to do without fail from now on unless he was literally too sick to move.

He couldn’t remember if Felicity had ever asked him to get up and take care of the kid’s morning routine when she wasn’t so sick, she couldn’t move. He was pretty sure she never had. Yet he hadn’t thought twice about asking her to take over for him last night, just because he was tired—even though it was

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