Learning to Trust - M.A. Innes Page 0,46

I was a lot more relaxed at home, but I wasn’t sure that would help.

“I’m doing better now that I’m getting everywhere on time and my work is up to date.” That had taken a load off my shoulders I hadn’t realized was there.

“I’m glad.” I got another hug. “But what do you think about finding ways to have your little side closer to the surface when you’re out?”

The intensity in his voice faded just a bit. “It’s also supposed to remind you that your Daddy is with you even when he can’t be.”


Snuggling closer, I nodded, trying to decide what to say so I wouldn’t seem clingy. “I’d like that. I feel safer at home, especially since it all changed with us, and maybe that would make me feel more outgoing when I’m in class.”

My little side was fairly outgoing…at least as outgoing as it could be since I really had no desire to go to BDSM clubs or anything else that Destin did.

That had Leon perking back up again. “Alright, so we’ll pick out a few things and I’ll get those ordered. Then we’ll see how it feels and what’s right for you.”

His Daddy side had been fairly clear since the beginning, so this shouldn’t have surprised me. He was a passionate planner and control freak, so figuring out the next steps in our Daddy-boy relationship was right up his alley.

“What else have you looked at?” If I’d been more awake, I probably wouldn’t have asked that question.

But I wasn’t.

“Diapers and more toys and I joined an online Daddy group.” He was so laid back as he said it, I almost tuned it out.

“What?” My head popped up again.

If he kept this up, I was actually going to end up awake for the morning.

“What?” He looked down at me, then shook his head and rephrased the question. “For goodness’ sake, I mean what about that caused you to become startled?”

His grandma talk was so cute.

It took me a second to get back on track. “All of it probably. But not really in a bad way. It was just unexpected.”

His gaze narrowed a bit as he focused on me. “Explain, please.”

Giving a mental sigh because I was actually awake now, I sat up. “I guess I was surprised by the directions your research took. I mean, not in a bad way. I was just surprised it was stuff you considered and that you’d joined the group. It’s probably just because I wasn’t quite awake when you said it because it’s all logical.”

And I was going to stop talking before I accidentally offended the unoffendable guy.

Leon actually chuckled. “So maybe I should have let you sleep in more.”


“No, I’m good.” Snuggling back into him because I could and because I felt cuddly, I yawned. “So what did you think about the stuff you researched? I know you liked the clothes, but what about the other stuff?”

Again, my brain wasn’t clear enough to really anticipate his answer. “I think we should wait to try the diapers until our level of physical intimacy increases. I know that things like giving you a bath and changing your diaper aren’t a direct lead-in to sexual contact, but I don’t think there’s any need to rush.”


He continued without even realizing what he’d done to my brain. “And the Daddy group is interesting. The variety of Doms and their viewpoints wasn’t something I anticipated.”

He was fascinating.

“What kinds of things do they talk about?”

Leon set the computer on the floor and then stretched out lower on the bed. It put his chest in the perfect position for me to rest my head on, so I shifted until I was curled along his side. Closing my eyes, I listened to his voice vibrate through him.

“I haven’t gone through all the posts, but most were about things they’re worrying about.” His hand started stroking along my back, up to my neck and then along my spine.

It was so relaxing I had to struggle to pay attention to his words. “I saw one where a younger Dom was worried because the man he was interested in was significantly older and I saw another where it was the opposite and an older Daddy was worried that the young man he was interested in was too young.”

Both of those fears made sense to me, and I was glad they had somewhere to talk about them. Leon kept talking as I struggled to keep up. He was so warm and comfy my brain

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