
“Why not?” she asked.

He looked back at Nathaniel. They had a long look between them, and it was Nathaniel who said, “We’re best friends, and you can’t be best friends if you’re fucking each other. It messes up the friendship.”

“Some couples are best friends,” she said.

“No,” Nathaniel said, “once you love each other like that, you can’t be true best friends.”

“Best friends are who you bitch to about your lovers,” Jason said. “Can’t do that if your best friend is your lover. It gets in the way.”

She looked from one to the other of them. “So you two have never . . .”

“No,” Nathaniel said.

“Nope,” Jason said.

“I’ve never been around two men this comfortable with each other about sex and not have them be ex-lovers . . . I take it back, I’ve never been around two men this sexually comfortable around each other, even if they were ex-lovers.”

“If we’d been lovers we probably wouldn’t be this comfortable,” Nathaniel said.

She nodded, and again I could see her thinking, just not quite what she was thinking about. I was pretty sure it was something sexual and/or relationship based, but that was my only guess.

“I’d like to have some sexual contact with Anita, oral if she’ll agree, but I guess it’s not fair to make you keep watching, sweetums,” she said, smiling at Jason.

“I like to watch, more than Jason does,” Nathaniel said.

“I’d love to look up the line of Anita’s body while Jason mouth-fucked her.” She closed her eyes, her body spasming with the thought that she said next: “Watching his ass go up and down, his dick going in and out of her mouth while I ate her out would be incredible.”

“Agreed,” Nathaniel said.

“Mouth-fucking is something very specific,” I said, “and not always my favorite thing unless I let the ardeur out of the box, and I don’t think that would be a good idea for the four of us.”

“But you are great at deep-throating,” J.J. said.

“That’s different from mouth-fucking,” I said.

She looked puzzled.

“You really haven’t been with that many men, have you?”

“Not in a decade, and honestly, high school boys just didn’t interest me that much, except for Jason.”

“I’m not saying no to vigorous oral sex from Jason, but unless I’m in the right mood, mouth-fucking is sort of an endurance sport, and it might distract me enough that I will take a long time to go from oral myself.”

“I’m not sure I understand the difference between deep-throating and mouth-fucking, and maybe you can demonstrate sometime, but anything that makes you not go from me going down on you is a no. I want you and me to enjoy it.”

“I think I’ll be enjoying myself, too,” Jason said with a grin.

“Okay, Anita is busy at both ends, and Jason and I don’t have sex together, so we’re out of places for me to go,” Nathaniel said.

She looked down, and I realized she was blushing. “Not completely out of places.”

“No hinting, honeybunch,” Jason said, “we have to be very clear on this. Are you saying that Nathaniel could have actual sex with you?”

She nodded.

“Gotta say it out loud, J.J., no misunderstandings.”

“If everyone is okay with it, I’d like to try”—she blushed harder, and then went pale—“having intercourse with Nathaniel.”