
“What do you want?” I asked.

“You screaming your orgasm for me.”

I laughed, sort of startled. “Confident, aren’t you?”

“Yep,” she said, and put her mouth where her brag was; of course, if you’re really that good, it’s not bragging, it’s just fact.

J.J. was good. She’d signaled the men in when she said, “I know where most of the buttons and switches are now; come help make her eyes roll back into her head.”

I might have protested the wording, but she did something with her tongue that totally distracted me. Jason’s face was above me, smiling. He kissed me, gently, and whispered, “Thank you.”

I started to say, “My pleasure,” but J.J. did something that made me cry out and try to look down at her at the same time. Jason laughed, and when I was lying back on the pillows again without spasming, he got on his knees with one leg on either side of my chest. He was nude, his shorts lost while my attention had been on J.J. I looked up the line of his body. He was already partially erect, but I didn’t reach for that. I cupped the warm looseness of his balls, rolling them gently in one hand. He closed his eyes for me, and then J.J. made my whole body spasm and I had to let go of him very suddenly. My hand could safely spasm on the shaft of him, but the rest was too delicate for what my body was doing.

I said, “Oh, God.”

Jason laughed.

I wrapped my hand around the shaft of him and squeezed, just enough to stop the laughter and make him shudder above me. J.J. stopped licking and started sucking, and my body spasmed for her, my hand clinching and shaking around Jason’s body. He gave a soft cry, and when he looked down at me again his eyes were wild, eager.

J.J. had apparently played with all the buttons and switches she wanted, and was goal oriented on one switch in particular. She wrapped her mouth around me and licked with her tongue at the same time that she was sucking. Even as I felt the warmth begin to grow between my legs, I filed away what I was feeling to ask her how she was doing it and to see if I could duplicate it, but that was later; right now . . . I angled Jason downward and slid my mouth over him. I wanted him inside me when I came.

I sucked him, using my hand to guide him and avoid my teeth; nothing was a deal killer like an accidental tooth nick. I opened my mouth wider and moved lower on the pillows as J.J. brought me closer and closer to the edge. I slid my hands between Jason’s thighs to touch his ass and press him closer to me, using my hands to start him moving in and out of my mouth. He didn’t need much encouragement to start sliding himself in and out of my mouth, slowly at first, and then as I raised my mouth eagerly, he started moving faster, putting more hip movement into it, and into me. J.J. was sucking and licking harder, faster, and I wanted Jason’s body to do the same to my mouth; it just seemed to work, and drive the pleasure higher to have both of them working together, so that I angled my mouth and throat eagerly, wanting him to go as far down as he could from that angle. Jason was long enough to make it enjoyable without making me feel like I was choking. It was an angle I wouldn’t have tried with all the men in my life, but right that moment it worked, it totally and completely worked. My hands found the pillows and clutched at them as I let Jason move his hips as much as he wanted, and J.J. sucked hard and harder, the tip of her tongue still licking, and the building warmth crashed up and out and suddenly I was screaming my orgasm around Jason’s body, until he drove himself deep enough that I couldn’t scream. Sometimes that would have been too much, but tonight the feel of him down my throat, forcing my mouth wide with his body buried as tight as he could get it, was perfect for me to spasm and shiver while wave after wave of pleasure crashed over me. J.J. kept sucking, licking, so that I wasn’t sure if it was all one orgasm or a series of them, one spilling into the other.

Jason drew himself out of my mouth before I was done, so I got to scream again. I heard him say, “If I don’t stop, I’m going to go.”

I managed to gasp, “Go . . . breasts!” I meant he could go in my mouth until he was almost ready to go, and then go on my breasts, and he seemed to understand me, because he slid himself back into my mouth and started fucking my mouth in earnest. It was almost too much, almost, and then J.J. hesitated in her sucking, and then she started sucking harder than before, so that I screamed when Jason’s body let me, but in between I sank into the feel of his body slipping in and out of my mouth, down my throat, and J.J.’s mouth sucking me as if she meant to find the sweet, gooey center of my body, and make me come until I tapped out, or passed out.

And then J.J. screamed her orgasm with her mouth buried against me, and it made me scream again, my body bucking underneath them both. Jason pulled himself out of my mouth, and then he went, hot and liquid across my breasts. I opened my eyes enough to see him kneeling above me, his hand on himself aiming where I’d asked him to go, pouring himself over my breasts, so that seeing that made me scream again, and finally J.J.’s mouth wasn’t on me anymore, but she was still crying out.

I fought the eye-fluttering orgasm to look down the bed and got a glimpse of Nathaniel behind J.J., and I knew exactly what was making her cry out. I’d have liked to have a better view, but the first big orgasm aftershock caught me and made me writhe underneath Jason, screaming wordlessly, my hands digging into the pillows, because he’d asked not to be scratched up, so I dug at the pillows instead of his flesh while the orgasm rocked me, and his pleasure spilled down my breasts in a happy, sticky mess.


THE FOUR OF us managed to crawl, fall, and collapse into a big pile. J.J. had collapsed with her upper body across my thighs and hips, Nathaniel curled around her, his hair tangled over them and my legs. Jason managed to grab the wet wipes on the bedside table so he could clean me up enough to not completely trash the sheets. As he cleaned up my breasts, he said, “I made the mess, it’s the least I can do.”

I gave him a thumbs-up, because I still couldn’t talk or move. Good that he was mobile, good for him. But once he had me mopped up, he curled against my side, one arm across my stomach, his head resting against my shoulder.

J.J. found her voice first, though she was a little hoarse from screaming. “You both should come on one of Jason’s visits to New York. We could have so much fun.”

“How would you introduce Anita and Nathaniel to Freda?” Jason asked.

She rubbed her face against my thigh and said, “Anita as our lover, and Nathaniel as mine, and your best friend.”

“Freda would go apeshit,” Jason said, snuggling in against me a little more.

“She would,” J.J. said.

I looked down at her blond hair, which was all I could see of her face. “Are you trying to use us as an excuse for the big fight?” I asked.

“Maybe,” she said, and rolled her head enough to look up at me.

“Just break up with her,” Nathaniel said, and he moved his face enough so I had a glimpse of his eyes through his hair.

“We share an apartment; do you know how hard it is to get a nice place at a reasonable rent in New York?”

“Are you saying that you’ll try to make her move out in a huff, so you don’t have to move?” I asked.

“It’s a thought,” she said.