Hit List(49)

He frowned at me. "Why?"


"I'm not comfortable with you dressing in front of me."


He gave a half-laugh. I think I'd surprised him. "You live with shapeshifters, and they go around nude all the time."


"Seeing my friends and lovers nude is fine, but seeing you nude, no."


He studied my face. "It really would bother you."




He frowned again. "Why?"


"If I'm having sex with someone it's okay to see them nude, but if sex isn't an option, then no nudity."


He laughed, abrupt and surprised. "You're still a prude, and you always will be."


"It wouldn't bother you to strip in front of me?"


"No, why should it?"


I sighed. "Fine, I'm a prude. I'll go into the bathroom while you dress."


"No, I'll dress in the bathroom." He was still smiling, his face shining with the remains of his laughter, as he gathered up his clothes.


"Glad I could amuse you after less than two hours of sleep," I said, arms crossed under my breasts in his oversized T-shirt.


"I guess you're right," he said, as he walked past me. "Everyone has their issues."