Hit List(47)

"Yeah, it was, but we're okay. I mean, the other marshal isn't, but she was new on the job, and . . ."


"How new?"


"It was her first real hunt."


"I'm so sorry."


"Yeah, me, too."


"Take care of Edward for me and the kids."


"You know I will."


"I know you'll bring him home to us safe, and he'll do the same for you."


To that the only thing I could say was, "We will." She wanted to talk to Edward then, so I handed the phone back to him. I also went into the bathroom to do morning stuff and give them some privacy. Since when did Donna and he talk every morning? But hey, it wasn't my relationship.


When I came back out he'd hung up. He looked at me. I looked at him. "That went way better than I thought," I said.


"Donna trusts you."


"She trusts me to keep you alive. She doesn't trust me with you."


"She doesn't trust any woman with me. She's a little insecure in that area."


I frowned at him. "You give her reason to be."


"No, insecure people don't need an excuse to distrust. It's just what they do."