Hit List(48)

"I couldn't live like that," I said.


He smiled at me. "You're polyamorous, which means many loves?"


"I've never actually called myself that."


He gave me a look. "You're living with multiple men, and sleeping with more, and everyone knows about it—that's about as poly as you can get, Anita."


I wanted to argue, but couldn't. I shrugged. "Fine."


"None of your men can be insecure or they couldn't be poly with you." I laughed. "Oh, no, don't believe that there's no insecurity. There is. The hardest part about having this many loves in my life is the emotional upkeep. Trust me, we all have our issues."


He looked at me, studying me for a moment.




"I guess I just thought that you had to be completely secure to be in a relationship like that."


"No one is completely secure, Edward."


"Not even your Master of the City?"


"No, not even Jean-Claude," I said.


He looked thoughtful, then stood up and took his shirt off. "Are you getting dressed?" I asked.




"Do I go in the bathroom, or do you?"