Lucky Stars(25)

Shortly after, he felt her weight settle into him and he knew she was asleep.

Shortly after that, he allowed himself to sleep as well.

Now, watching her study the sea, Jack considered his actions.

He had no idea why he behaved the way he behaved. He’d never done anything of the like in his life.

He also had no idea why Belle brought this out in him.

Although it likely had something to do with the fact that she was the first woman he’d encountered who made it clear she’d rather be anywhere but with him.

It also likely had something to do with Baron’s acceptance of her. Jack’s dog was usually wary and protective, especially when Jack was close. Baron didn’t give his trust or affection easily. One sniff at her hand and her soft coo was all it took for Belle to win Jack’s dog which, to Jack, spoke volumes.

Further, it likely had something to do with watching her open, unguarded delight when she was with the animals.

And probably it had something to do with the sound of her sweet, soft laughter.

It also could have to do with her story about her grandmother and the lemon drops.

Undoubtedly, it had to do with the depth in her eyes that said there was something there. Something he wanted, even so far as needed but he wasn’t allowed to see. Something he couldn’t have nor could he take. Something he’d have to earn.

Lastly, it most assuredly had something to do with that lock of thick, shining hair that fell against her neck, adorably revealing her imperfection.

Jack, however, was not the kind of man who spent a great deal of time considering his actions.

So he didn’t.

She simply was who she was, all of who she was.

And Jack liked it, all of it.

And he wanted it.

So he took it.

But also, he was going to keep it because now it was his.

On that thought, he threw the bedclothes aside. He went to his dresser, pulled out a pair of pyjama bottoms and tugged them on. Baron trotted to him while he did this and Jack lifted his head to see Belle was watching him, head twisted to look over her shoulder, her arms wrapped around her calves.

Jack walked across the room to join her.

As he walked, she moved jerkily as if she’d been torn from a trance or had a layer of ice wrapped around her which had been shattered.

She released her legs and stood, her head tilting back, her hand coming up as if to ward him off and she whispered, “Jack –”

His chest came up against her hand, his hands went to her waist and he turned her so her back was to his front, his movements cutting off whatever she intended to say. He moved and sat in the window seat, taking her with him, lifting his legs bent at the knees and positioning her between them. He rested his back against the wall, Belle’s back against his chest and he wrapped his arms around her, one about her stomach, the other about her chest.

Instinctively Jack felt containment was key. Given the opportunity, Belle would retreat either physically or emotionally and after what they’d just shared, he wasn’t going to allow that.

Even so, she held her body stiffly in his arms.

“Jack –” she began again.

“Belle,” he interrupted her with a squeeze, his voice low and quiet. “Not tonight. We’ll talk about it tomorrow.”

Although he would not have thought it was possible, he felt her body grow even stiffer.

Baron settled in beside them, resting his head on the window seat by Jack’s hip as Belle turned in his arms so she was facing him.