Lucky Stars(23)


She adored it.

She pressed in, wanting him closer, wanting him to absorb her.

Suddenly, his mouth tore from hers and his body was gone. Belle felt a rush of cold and a sense of confusion but before she could gather her thoughts and return to her shy, timid reality, his hand grabbed hers in a vicelike grip

Then he dragged her to the ladder.

“Down,” he growled, his voice strangely rough.

“What?” she whispered, her eyes flitting to his, her mind in a turmoil, her body on fire.

“Go down,” he repeated.

She looked stupidly at the ladder. Then she was forced to look back at him.

She was forced because his hand wrapped around her neck and he yanked her to him, their bodies crashing together and his mouth crushed down on hers in another wet, wild, open-mouthed kiss that sent her senses reeling.

He lifted his head and demanded in a voice now so beyond rough it was hoarse and just the sound of it sent a luscious quiver shooting between her legs, “Poppet, climb down.”

Without hesitation, Belle climbed down.

James came after her.

Then he grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the stables not even bothering to turn out the light.

She had no time to think mainly because her mind was occupied with keeping up with him and not tripping. He was walking quickly, his long legs eating the distance, dragging her by the hand in a half run behind him.

“James,” she called, feeling the need to take a moment, take a breath and get her head together.

“Jack,” he clipped.

She saw they were quickly approaching the castle.

“Where are we going?” she asked, rushing behind him.

“My room.”

“Your what?” she cried, reality crashing in, her mind asking her what in the holy heck was she doing and her hand pulled at his.

The instant she did this, he stopped, turned and Belle ran right into him.

His arms went around her and he hauled her to his body.

“My room, Belle,” he told her. “I’m taking you to my room.”

She stared up at him in stupefaction. “I can’t go to your room.”

“Not only can you, you’re going to,” he declared.

Belle blinked, beyond stupefied, straight to staggered.

“I –” she started but he cut her off.

“You can go with me or I can carry you. Choose. Now.”

“James –” she started to protest but stopped when his fingers wrapped around the back of her head at the same time his arm grew tight, moulding her to his body.