Lucky Stars(24)

“I’m not going to say it again, Belle. I want you to call me Jack,” he demanded and then his mouth came down on hers. He gave her another kiss. Meek and Mild Belle disappeared and when he lifted his head, she walked or, more accurately ran to keep up with his long strides, with him to his room.

Chapter Three

Jack’s Promise


Jack woke to a dark room.

In the moonlight he saw beside him a vast expanse of white sheeted bed with Belle’s na**d body not occupying it.

Instantly alert, he came up on an elbow thinking she’d gone to her room or even left the house.

Instead he saw her sitting in the window seat, knees to her chest, her glorious hair falling down her back. She was wearing his dress shirt and gazing out to sea.

Baron was sitting at her side and Belle’s hand was absentmindedly stroking the dog’s head.

Jack settled, his eyes never leaving her and he gave himself a moment to consider his behaviour of earlier that night.

After he’d dragged her to his room like a Neanderthal, he’d not taken her to his bed. He’d not disrobed her or himself. He’d not even let her kick off her shoes.

Instead, he’d pinned her against the wall, captured her mouth with his, yanked up the skirt of her dress and pulled down her panties. Hands to her ass, their lips still locked, tongues sparring, he’d lifted her and without hesitation she’d wrapped her arms and legs tightly around him.

Then he’d taken her against the wall, rough, fierce and completely uncontrolled.

She came within minutes, hard and intense, the soft, sexy noises she made quickening his own need. For a moment, with a deep satisfaction that felt almost primal, he’d watched her face in cl**ax before his own staggering orgasm wiped everything from his mind.

It had been utterly magnificent.

He’d never experienced anything like it.

Nothing even came close.

After they’d finished, she kept her tight hold on him, her face pressed to his neck, the fingers of one of her hands in his hair.

And, holding Belle against the wall, Jack memorised every inch of her that he could feel, her breath on his neck, legs around his hips, fingers in his hair and the sweet, wet tightness between her legs.

She moved her head, put her mouth to his ear and whispered in her soft, honeyed voice, “Jack.”

He knew what she was thinking.

Therefore he turned his own head and kissed her.

Jack didn’t want her thinking and questioning.

He wanted her focussed solely on him.

He pulled out of her gently, catching her gasp in his mouth as he did so and carried her to the side of the bed, kissing her the entire way. There he set her on her feet, took off their clothes and fell with her on the bed.

The second time, he savoured her and her delectable body, using his mouth and hands, patiently coaxing her out of her timidity, urging her to do the same to him.

She did, shyly at first, becoming bolder and finally, with a mixture of the two, she achieved wildly successful results.

The second time ended like the first. Rough, fierce and completely uncontrolled.

Although his orgasm was not as staggering as the first, he did have the delightful opportunity to watch hers from start to finish.

Without a word and definitely not allowing Belle to utter one, he’d shifted their bodies under the covers, pulled her in his arms and held her tight with one arm while stroking her spine with the tips of his fingers.