Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,92

down with the guys and had a beer. It’s the first time I’ve joined them since this all started with Gwen. Usually I want to get to her side immediately. While I did last night, it was important to have a drink with the guys and relax a little before heading up to our room. I wasn’t tired anyway and didn’t want to keep my girl awake if the TV was too loud or anything for her.

Tommy let me know he’s been worried about Kim and Gwen. He’s wanted to be closer to them but wasn’t sure what they wanted. Or how we’d feel about him being here because of everything that’s happened. Yes, he worked for her father and helped Neil out on multiple occasions. However, he was also the one who helped Gwen any time he could and made sure she was eating and drinking because her father also liked to starve everyone in his home. Tommy was the man they all turned to for help and looked up to. He’s not a good man, but he’s not the worst one either.

“Tommy, if you want to move to Benton Falls, I don’t see that bein’ a problem at all. In fact, I know Gwen and Kim would love it. They miss you,” I told him, meaning every word.

“I don’t know what I’d do if I moved here. Maybe somewhere close where I can get here quickly, but not be up everyone’s ass,” he countered.

“What if Slim let you become a Prospect for us? We can always use good men. Men who know what loyalty is and aren’t afraid to give an ass whoopin’ when they need to,” I question him, knowing his past is just that; the past.

“I think I’d like that,” Tommy said as we finished our beer.

On my way up to the room, I stopped to talk to Slim about Tommy. He seems to like the idea of him joining the club. I’ll be his sponsor, which I don’t have a problem with. Gwen and Kim will be ecstatic too. So, as of today, Tommy will become a Prospect for the Phantom Bastards.

Today is all about Gwen. I’ve planned an entire day for her to be pampered that she knows nothing about. Rich and Tommy are out with her and Kim as they get manicures and pedicures done. Then they’ll go and get their hair done. Instead of coming back here, they’re going to head back to Kim’s where I have a dress waiting for my ol’ lady. She’s wearing her rag since they’re out in town. Gwen is proud as hell to wear it. To her, it showcases our love to the world in more than just us saying the words to one another or me putting a ring on her finger. It tells the world I’m her man and she’s proud to show that off to anyone who sees her out.

Fox and I will be meeting up with the women in a few hours. I’ve got a few things to do before then though. The first stop I have is the jeweler to pick up a few things I’ve had custom made for my woman. And our babies when they get old enough to wear them. See, I have a gut feeling I’m going to be blessed with little girls this time around. I’m not sure why my gut is telling me this, it’s just one of those feelings people get. As usual, I’m going to trust what I feel. Soon, we’ll be able to find out what they are. I can’t wait.

Do I necessarily want my children to be girls first? No. I’d rather have a boy who can help me watch over his siblings and protect them when I can’t be around. However, I’ll love whatever we have unconditionally and without fail. They won’t know how it feels to not feel loved or only good enough for what you can do for your so-called parents. To think their only escape is the military or ending up in prison. My babies, however many Gwen gives me, will know how much they mean not only to me but their mother as well.

After picking up my things at the first stop, I make my way to grab some new clothes. Gwen is going to have the best I can give her today and that means wearing what we’ve already talked about. Fox will be too, so he’ll have new clothes coming his way as well. Copyright 2016 - 2024