Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,91

shut. This is my way to avoid the situation and get some rest. Is it the healthiest way to handle what’s going on? Not even close. However, I’m not trying to add any more stress than what I already have going on. It’s not good for the babies. Sleep starts to slowly creep in as I keep my eyes shut and shut my mind down.

Chapter Twenty-Four


WHEN TOMMY GOT here yesterday, he brought us a present. See, he stopped by the house where Gwen was held against her will her entire life and found someone that’s worked for both Neil and her father. We spent hours down in the basement trying to gather as much intel from the asshole as we could.

This man, Lester, has been at the house where Gwen spent her early years to make more packages and write the notes she’s been getting. Neil knows we’ve found the Prospect out along with the other men we’ve captured and killed of his. The cocksucker even knows we’ve been staying at the clubhouse. Still he made our home explode. Our new home he won’t be able to get to.

Contractors have already been working on our new home here at the compound. That leaves Kim and Fox the only ones who don’t have a house here. At least of the guys that are single. Most of the single guys choose to stay at the clubhouse for various reasons. Especially the easy pussy always on tap. However, most of them have apartments away from the clubhouse. Sometimes it can get to be a bit much and they need some space.

Lester didn’t get let off easy like the last few men did. I took the lead and tortured the fuck out of him. First, his nipples were ripped off. His were pierced so I imagine it hurt a little bit more than normal. Then, I pulled all of his teeth before using my knife to slice up his body. I didn’t stop at one or two cuts in his face or torso. No, this man had cuts on his legs, torso, face, arms, hands, feet, and he may have ended up missing fingers, toes, and one other appendage men would hate to lose. Each man in the room cringed and grabbed their junk when I sliced off his own.

Lemon juice and salt were poured into the open wounds before I may have accidentally tripped and got acid all over him. That was my mistake. Stryker then got let loose on the fucker. He didn’t have a whole lot left to do to him, but my brother is an inventive man. We all watched on as Stryker lit a cigarette and added several burns to his body. When the screaming and crying got too much, and we knew there was no more information to gain, Lester’s tongue was cut out. Playboy stepped up after Stryker was done. He put the poor fucker out of his misery using alcohol and a blow torch. I hate the smell of burning flesh, we all do, but he deserved to suffer the way my woman has been suffering. Not only now, but when she was growing up.

Tommy let us know, Lester was one of the men who routinely doled out Gwen’s punishments. He took great delight in torturing her and making sure she felt every ounce of pain possible. Plus, he was the one who thought of recording not only the pain being inflicted on her, but the cameras in her room and bathroom as well. My woman was a young girl and teen when he watched those videos of her. Lester was a sick man and we put him down like the rat he is.

Still, we have no clue where the fuck Neil is. Tommy has given Fox every single location he’s ever known for not only Neil, but Gwen’s father as well. Fox has searched each and every property, cameras in the area the towns have put up, and searched the deep, dark web. Neil’s a damn ghost and there’s only one way we’re going to draw him out. It’s not going to happen because I’m not using Gwen as bait. That will happen over my dead body. Not a single one of us would ever use our women as bait. Not just the ol’ ladies, but anyone associated with the club.

Until we find him, Tommy is going to be working closely with all of us. After we got out of church last night I sat Copyright 2016 - 2024