Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,90

speak about it in the open. No one does. The truth behind her words are clearly showing on her face as she gazes around the room.

“He wants you to get Killer away from Gwen so he can nab her?” Slim asks, putting what we’re all thinking out in the open.

“Yeah. He thinks it will be easier. Neil doesn’t know you’re pregnant either. If he finds out, he’ll make sure you lose the baby,” she answers once more.

“Fox look into it. What’s your last name?” Playboy asks as Fox pulls out his phone.


We all wait while Fox messes around on his phone for a few minutes. I’m holding my breath as we wait for him to get the answer. This woman is either telling the truth or a very good actress. I’m betting on the first scenario.

“She’s not lyin’,” he finally tells us all. “We need to use her and keep her safe here for now.”

“Are you supposed to check in with him?” Slim asks, while I take the seat she vacated.

“No. He’ll call me in the next few days so I can let him know how things are progressing,” she answers.

“What’s your name?” I finally ask her. “Your real name?”

“It’s Maria,” she replies. “I’ll do anything I can to save my sister and help you out.”

“We’re gonna eat and have church,” Slim tells her. “For now, we’re gonna put you in one of the rooms. You won’t be able to get out. If you’ve got a phone or anythin’ else on you, hand it over now.”

Maria reaches in her back pocket and removes a phone. While Rich and Playboy check her over to make sure there’s nothing else on her, I make her a plate of food. I won’t have her locked in a room while the guys eat and then talk without something to eat. Handing it over to her, a few tears spill over her lashes once more. She offers me a smile before letting the guys remove her from the room.

The rest of us all sit down and eat. Instead of being carefree, our dinner is full of tension and anger. That’s two people Neil has been able to plant in the clubhouse. I know the guys are pissed as fuck about that, but they’ll have to get over it. If they go into their meeting blaming one another, they won’t be able to see the bigger picture. At least that’s my line of reasoning when I think about everything.

I watch on as the guys shovel their food into their mouths and clear their plates in record time. Even Tommy is rushing through the meal. When they’re all done, each man stands up and begins to make their way toward the room they hold their meetings in. Killer leans down and kisses me on the head before leaving my sight. His body is held rigid as he moves. I know rage is flaring through him based on how tight he’s holding himself. They’re all walking the same way as each man disappears from sight.

We all move to the couches while the house bunnies come out to clean up the mess from dinner. They know they’re allowed to eat out here with us at a separate table. Most never do though. Instead, they make their plates and eat in the kitchen while they’re cleaning up. The only ones who eat with us are the Prospects. Then they help the house bunnies clean up.

Shy puts a movie on, but none of us are paying it any attention. We’re each lost in our own thoughts about what’s been happening. I’m blaming myself because none of this would be happening if it weren’t for Neil. He’s the one making our lives a living hell and putting so much stress on the guys.

Instead of hanging out with the women, I make my excuses and head to our room. I won’t take a shower because Killer’s not in here, but I want to be alone. With thoughts of Neil running through my mind, I try to figure out how much more we’re going to have to deal with before he makes a mistake or shows his evil face. That will be the day he’s dealt with once and for all. It’s a day I’m waiting on and won’t miss him one bit when he’s finally buried in a grave no one knows or will ever find him.

Lying down in bed, I pull the covers up to my chin and let my eyes slide Copyright 2016 - 2024