Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,87

allowed to leave the clubhouse. In fact, all the ol’ ladies and kids are here now. The only ones are allowed to leave are those who have houses on the compound. During the day we’re all at the clubhouse though as the men do their thing and try to locate Neil. No one is having any luck.

Killer barely lets me out of his sight. The only time he does is when he’s gone out searching for Neil and anyone else working for him. If he’s at the clubhouse, I’m on his lap if we’re in the common room or in his arms if we’re in our room. We don’t spend a lot of time in the common room once we’ve all eaten dinner though. We’ve been spending a lot of time talking about the babies, trying to think of names, and simply enjoying one another.

Yesterday I had a doctor’s appointment. Killer went with me and I got the all clear to resume normal activities as long as I don’t overdo anything. I have to call immediately if I experience any cramping or start bleeding, but I should be okay now. My stomach is growing more each day and at this rate, I’ll be bigger than a house by the time I hit six months. I’m not looking forward to that part of the pregnancy. We did get to see the babies through an ultrasound and hear their heartbeats. It was the best sound I’ve heard in my entire life.

Fox got ahold of Tommy and he’s on his way here. They want his help in finding out where Neil is and who else could be helping him get to me. There really can’t be too many men left. Even though I’m not supposed to know, they’ve taken out at least three or four of the guys who have been behind me getting packages and the other things that have been after me. Neil doesn’t let many people in. Yes, he has men who work for him and typically those are the only ones who he allows to do the job.

Neil is much like my father in that regard. He doesn’t trust anyone and spends a lot of time and money to make sure he’s got the right men for the job. Unfortunately for him, these men don’t come close to comparing to the men of the Phantom Bastards. Anyway, Neil won’t be in a rush to go out and pick random people to work for him. He tries to find loyalty though no one is loyal to him. From what I always overheard when I was at my father’s house, no one likes Neil. They only work for him because of the money he pays them. They want a payday and that’s all. Doesn’t inspire a ton of loyalty if you ask me.

One of the good things to come out of this is Tommy is coming here. He was the only one of my father’s employees who didn’t beat on me or torture me. If Tommy could manage to stop it from happening, he would. Honestly, it’s because of Tommy that I’m out of that house and living my life. Well, somewhat living it considering everything going on right now. Kim and I can’t wait to see him. Even though she wasn’t raised in that house, she still knows the man who saved each of us in more than one way.

Fox let us know a little while ago that Tommy will be here in a few hours. He stopped to take care of a few things on his way here. As he’s been doing since getting Fox’s call and making his way here. I’m not sure what he’s taking care of, but I do know there’s only one reason these men would call him in; to help them take care of Neil. Tommy will have more information than they do, and they want his help. As long as we get to see him, I don’t care what’s bringing him back to us.

“Gwen, the rest of the women are coming and we’re gonna make a ton of food to celebrate Tommy’s arrival,” Kim informs me as she comes over to where I’m sitting in the common room.

“Sounds good. I can’t wait to see him!” I gush, letting my excitement flow free for the first time in weeks.

“Me either. It’s been a long time,” she responds, sitting down next to me as we wait for the rest of the women to show up.

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