Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,86

fucker is going to die a slow, painful death when I get my hands on him. He just took this entire situation to an entirely new level. If Gwen had been close to the house, there’s no telling what would have happened to her. I need to leave here and get eyes on Gwen.

Turning on my heel, I leave the scene. There’s nothing I can do here for now. I’ll have to wait on a call from Jim and the fire chief before we can take the next step. Slim and the guys make their way behind me as we head to the clubhouse. Again, I don’t waste time in my haste to get back to Gwen.

Pulling in the clubhouse parking lot, I see her car parked near the door. I quickly park in my normal spot and race inside. Gwen is sitting on the couch with Kim. They’re talking softly among themselves as Rich sits at the bar and the house bunnies lounge around the room. Glares are being directed in my woman’s direction and that’s not something I’ll have. Especially today.

“Is there a fuckin’ problem here?” I shout out, causing all heads to turn my direction. “You bitches got no right to be glarin’ at my woman and Kim. You have a problem here, you know where the fuckin’ door is. Otherwise, find somethin’ to fuckin’ clean. This place is disgustin’.”

Each of the house bunnies looks behind me. I know they’re looking to Slim instead of listening to me. That does nothing but raise my anger even more.

“I’m an officer of this fuckin’ club and if I tell you to do somethin’ you better fuckin’ do it. I can easily kick each and every one of you out of here. It won’t bother me at all,” I state, walking closer to Gwen.

The house bunnies jump up and scatter throughout the clubhouse. They know better than to disobey one of us. Today is not a good day for them to be trying my patience. Picking Gwen up in my arms, I sit down on the couch and place her in my lap. I don’t want her out of my sight or touching distance. I’m not sure I ever will again.

“Killer, are you okay?” she asks me, placing her hands on each side of my face.

“I am now, Sparrow. Got somethin’ to tell you,” I begin. “The house exploded. It must have happened shortly after you and Rich left. I doubt there will be anythin’ left of the place. I’m so sorry.”

Gwen looks at me and rakes her eyes down the front of my body. She’s looking for any sign of injury. Wrapping my arms around her, I breathe in her soft, clean scent. It works miracles to finish calming me down.

“Killer, I don’t care about the house. As long as we’re okay, the babies are safe, and everyone we love and care about is okay I’m good. We can figure out something with the housing situation at a later date. The only thing we need to do right now is find Neil and take him the hell down once and for all,” she tells me, keeping her voice low and soft.

This is why I love Gwen. She’s not into material possessions and cares more about the people in her inner circle than anything else. She will be an amazing mother and I can’t wait until our babies make an appearance in the world. I want to watch her nurture them, love them, and teach our children how to be honest, loving people as they grow up in this dangerous, nasty world we live in.

“Let’s go to our room,” I tell her, lifting her in my arms as I stand from the couch.

“Killer, I’m gonna make the call. I’ll let you know what happens when I get a response,” Fox says.

Nodding my head, I ignore everyone else around us as I make my way to our room. Once we’re safely locked inside, I lay Gwen gently on the bed and remove her clothes. After removing my own clothes, I climb in next to her and pull her into my arms. Neither one of us says a word as we lay there and just hang onto each other. This is all I need right now. Later, we’ll eat and watch some movies.

Chapter Twenty-Three


IT’S BEEN ALMOST a week since Killer’s house blew up. We all know Neil is behind the explosion, but there’s no way we can prove it. I’m no longer Copyright 2016 - 2024