Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,85

in his chair after lighting a cigarette.

“I’m thinkin’ we call in Tommy. He’s the one who got Gwen out and helped the clubs when we were there before. He’s also close to Kim and Gwen. He’ll do anythin’ to help us keep them safe and will know more than we do at this point in time,” Fox says, looking at each of us. “Tommy worked for her dad, but I guarantee he knows more about Neil than even I can find.”

For several minutes, we all think about Fox’s suggestion. I agree with him. I’ll do anything I can to make sure my woman and the rest of the women in the club are safe and protected. Slim looks around the table at all of us. His gaze lingers on me the longest since this mainly concerns my ol’ lady.

“All in favor, say aye,” Slim says, motioning to Playboy.

We all go around the table and say aye. There isn’t a single man who’s against this suggestion because Fox is right. No one knows the ins and outs of Gwen’s father and Neil like Tommy does. Slim slams the gavel on the table passing the vote. From there we move on to other business because until Tommy gets here there’s not much we can do about it.

Just before we get ready to leave church, my phone goes off. Looking at the screen, I see the alarm is going off for fire, EMTs, and the police to head to the residence. My heart stops dead in my chest while I think of Gwen being there and all the different scenarios that could be going on right now. Standing up, the chair I was sitting in slams to the floor as I race from our meeting room.

“Killer, what’s goin’ on?” Slim asks, racing up to my side as I don’t stop running for my bike.

“Gwen and Rich went to the house. I’m gettin’ and alert for all first responders to show up on my phone. I have no clue what’s goin’ on but I’m about to find the fuck out,” I tell him, my body trembling and my heart beating uncontrollably in my chest.

I can’t suck in a full breath as I straddle my bike, start the engine, and race from the clubhouse. There’s no way I’m taking the time to tie my bandana around my face or put my helmet on. If I knew Gwen was okay, it would be a different case; I don’t therefore I’m not wasting anymore time getting to her.

As I race to my house, every member of the club is hot on my heels. They’re racing behind me as I get closer to my house. I can already see thick, black smoke billowing up to the sky. Lights flash up ahead as I slow down because the cops are already putting up a blockade. I’m not trying to die, I only want to lay eyes on my woman.

Stopping my bike, I pull my phone out and click on Gwen’s name. It rings until going to voicemail. Hanging up, I immediately call her again. The same thing happens. Looking at the men surrounding me, I see them all pulling out their phones.

“I can’t reach her,” I state, my level of panic increasing as I continue to try while making my way to the officer blocking traffic.

“Sir, you can’t go past here,” he tries to tell me as I look for any friendly face.

“What’s goin’ on?” I ask him, still looking for anyone we know and work with.

“There’s been an explosion at one of the homes here,” he states, not giving me anything to go on.

Finally, I spot Jim. He’s been on the force for a while and is semi-retired. He sees me and makes his way hastily over to us.

“Killer, I got Gwen. She’s at the clubhouse with Rich and Kim. She didn’t hear her phone goin’ off because it was on silent for some reason,” Fox lets me know.

Taking a deep breath, I calm my racing heart and let the smoke-filled air fill my lungs.

“Jim, what’s goin’ on? I got an alert for all first responders to go to my house,” I question him as the punk ass cop looks on.

“I hate to tell you this, Killer. Your house exploded. We have no clue of the cause yet obviously. For now, we’re still trying to put the fire out. I’ll let you know as soon as we find anything out,” Jim responds.

Anger fills me. This is Neil. That Copyright 2016 - 2024