Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,88

and I sit on the couch and talk while the Prospects and house bunnies continue to clean up around the clubhouse. I’m not sure when they got so lazy and started feeling as if they didn’t have to do their jobs around here, but they did. Not so much the Prospects though. Plus, they all have a million other things going on with helping look for Neil and whoever’s working for him. My sister and I talk about nonsense and babies as we have music playing softly in the background. I couldn’t even tell you what song’s playing as we don’t really pay attention to it.

We’ve been in the kitchen for a few hours now. Everyone is making sure I’m sitting down and resting more than actually helping. However, there are still things I can do while sitting on a stool at the counter. Each of us have been in charge of making certain things. I’ve done a lot of cutting things up and getting stuff ready to put in salads, cook, bake, or mix.

While we’ve worked, there has been talk, laughter, and singing extremely off key while we try to get things ready to feed our men. No hang arounds or anyone from outside is allowed in tonight like would normally happen. There’s just too much unknown with Neil and all the shit he’s trying to pull. I don’t want a bunch of outsiders in here because he could easily plant someone. I feel he’s already done it with Torres. No one can tell me any different either.

I know Tommy’s here. He came in quickly to see Kim and me before disappearing with the rest of the guys. Who knows what they’re doing. All I know is they aren’t in the common room or out back. The only ones in the common room are the house bunnies who are now sitting on their asses. We’d rather be the ones to cook for our men because you never know what people are going to do in order to get what they want.

“Gwen, how did your appointment go yesterday?” Sam asks me, taking a short break.

“It went good. I’m finally cleared completely. They don’t think there’s anything to worry about since I haven’t had any signs of miscarriage in the last almost month. Nothing else has been done to my food so I can now resume normal activities,” I tell my friends. “You know Killer though. He’s not going to let me do too much. Which is why I’m sitting here instead of moving around like normal. He’d have my ass if he came in and I wasn’t resting while working.”

“You bet your ass I would,” Killer says, walking in the kitchen with wet hair and clean clothes on. “I love you Sparrow and I’m not takin’ any chances with you or our babies.”

“I love you, too,” I reply, leaning up to meet him halfway for a kiss.

Our kiss goes on and on. Neither one of us cares about the audience we have in the room. Other than the women, I’m not even sure if there’s anyone else in here. My focus was completely on my man. I’d rather be in bed with him, making up for the last month or so, but we have guests and that’s not going to happen until later. Much later.

“My eyes,” I hear Tommy mutter from somewhere in the distance as Killer begins to pull away from me.

I laugh out loud and see the kitchen is now full of members standing with their women. Tommy is the lone man out as he stands just off to my side.

“Tommy, there is nothing wrong with your eyes. I’m not the same scared little girl you’re used to seeing,” I state, letting my sassy side show.

“I know you’re not. I’m so very proud of you, Gwen. You’re thriving more than I ever thought possible. It’s taken the love of your family and a good man to let the true you shine through,” he tells me, making tears spill over my lashes. “I’m starving. What are we eating?”

“Dinner will be served in about five minutes. Just waiting on the garlic bread to finish cooking. You guys head out and get your seats while we put the finishing touches on everything,” Shy informs the room.

I stand up and walk over to grab the plates and utensils we’ll need. As I turn around, I run smack into a warm, hard chest. Killer is standing in front of me with his arms Copyright 2016 - 2024