Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,8

display in front of us. “Let’s get back to work.”

The next several hours are busy as hell. Mark shows me where the clothing section is, our limited stock of shoes made for strippers in my opinion. I honestly don’t know anyone who would wear shoes like that for a man during the few minutes sex lasts. Not to mention the crotchless panties. I’ve never seen a pair of them in my life until today. Again, my face is red as hell and there’s nothing I can do about it. I foresee myself blushing a ton while I’m working here.

I’m not going to complain. The money is good, and my hours are in the morning. Plus, Brenda, the manager, is more than willing to work around my schedule for counseling and group therapy. Once I explained the situation, Brenda was happy to ensure I made it to my appointments. Those days I simply work an afternoon shift instead. Either way, I’m home before dark. I don’t like driving in the dark, so that’s a major plus as well.

Mark and I work together putting the clothes back on hangers, making sure the tables are neat and folded. We do have a few tee-shirts here displaying the store logo. I’m not sure I’d wear one when I’m not on the clock, but I suppose people out there don’t give a shit about what they wear. That’s one of the habits I’m still trying to break.

After the section is straightened out, we go to the storeroom where Mark shows me where everything we’ll need is located. I won’t have a problem since everything is labeled and the boxes also have what the contents are. Once I get a routine down that works for me, I’ll have no problems making sure everything is stocked on the floors.

Since we’re working on the clothing section right now, we grab what we need and place the boxes on a cart to take with us. It’s basically an overly large shopping cart so customers won’t trip over the thing. Mark and I work in companionable silence until a customer comes in. It’s one of the girls from the club, Mia. She’s a newer house bunny and I’m sure it won’t be long until everyone knows I’m now working at Naughty Peach. That’s not something I’m looking forward to.

“Gwen, I didn’t know you worked here,” Mia states, walking over toward us on the floor.

“Today’s my first day. Is there somethin’ in particular you’re looking for?” I ask her, trying to keep the embarrassment out of my voice.

“Nope. I know exactly what I need to get. The guys sent me with a list. All of them need something or other from here. Especially Killer. He’s got a list a mile long,” she replies, an evil smile on her face.

“That’s nice of you,” I tell her, ignoring the jab about Killer.

Like I said, everyone knows I have a stupid crush on the man. I’ll either get over it or things will get really uncomfortable around here for me.

“Well, I better be going. I’ll make sure to tell everyone you said hi,” she tosses over her shoulder as she saunters away.

“Friend of yours?” Mark questions me once she’s on the other side of the store.

“Not really. She’s one of the girls who stay at the Phantom Bastard clubhouse,” I state.

“How do you know the club?”

“My sister is with a member. They’ve been helping me out since I got here. So, I hang out at the clubhouse on family days and things like that,” I inform him, knowing I shouldn’t have even told him that much.

“Gotcha. Good group of guys. They’ve helped me out a time or two when I’ve needed it,” he lets me know.

We continue working on stocking the clothing section until Mia makes her way to the counter with a basket full of things. Mark leads me back behind the register so I can ring up her purchase. While I begin scanning and bagging everything for her, Mia makes her way over to the clothing section. She comes back with a pair of the cheapest looking shoes I’ve ever seen in my life along with a few other pieces of lingerie. More power to her I guess.

My face is flaming red at the tubes of lube, vibrators, and other things the guys will use when they have their fun at the clubhouse. Instead of my mind remaining firmly off of Killer, I try to imagine which of this stuff is what Copyright 2016 - 2024