Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,9

he wanted her to get. Still I don’t say anything as Mia watches me.

“Are you sure you should be working here?” she finally questions me when I have the last of her items scanned.

“Why would you ask me that?” I demand of her, knowing she’s only trying to start problems for me.

“Well, you’re too virginal for a place like this to begin with. Second of all, I can guarantee you haven’t told your sister or anyone else from the club you’re working here,” she states as if she knows a thing about my life.

“I can do whatever I want to. Last I knew, I was of legal age to make my own decisions,” I state with annoyance and sadness tinging my voice.

“I know you’re at least eighteen or you wouldn’t be at the clubhouse as much as you are. I don’t believe for a second you’re a day over twenty-one. Are you?” Mia questions me, that evil smirk of hers back in place.

“You don’t get to know anything about me,” I tell her, giving her the total of her purchase.

Mia takes the hint when Mark comes up behind me and places a hand on my shoulder. I don’t bother turning to look at him as Mia hands over the cash and waits silently while I put in the amount she gave me and hand her back the change.

“Thank you for shopping at Naughty Peach. Have a great day,” I tell her with a fake smile pasted on my face.

“I’d say the same, but I think your day is about to get a lot worse,” she taunts, grabbing the bags I set on the counter for her. “I wouldn’t want to be standing too close to her when the guys from the club show up.”

“I’m not afraid of them at all,” Mark responds as Mia gets to the door.

His deep voice sends a tremor through my body. Turning my head, I take a long look at my co-worker. He’s cute in his own way. Mark has blond hair he’s currently wearing in a spiked mohawk. There are huge holes in his ears where it would normally be pierced. There’s also a ring through one side of his nose and another one through his lower lip. Mark’s clothes are baggy so I’m not sure what his body looks like. Though I can see a few tattoos peeking from the sleeves of his black tee-shirt.

If I weren’t so hung up on Killer, or working here, I may just try to date Mark. Instead, he’ll simply be a friend and co-worker. I think I’ll like having him as a friend though. He seems protective without being over the top like the guys in the club. A genuine smile covers my face as we walk from behind the counter and get back to work.

The rest of my day at Naughty Peach goes much the same. Before long, Mark is letting me ring up customers on my own when we get one in. By the time our shift is done for the day, we have the entire store stocked and ready to go for the next person, Carla. She’s grateful for our hard work as we punchout and leave for the day.

Getting in my car, I let the heat of the interior sink in my bones and close my eyes for a minute. I’m going to need my strength for whatever happens when I get to Killer’s place. I’m not sure if he’ll even be there or if he’ll say a word to me about working here, but I want to mentally prepare myself just in case. It’s not like I’m looking forward to anyone saying a word to me about working here or anything else I do in my life.

Chapter Four


INSTEAD OF GOING to work at one of the club’s businesses today, I’ll be heading out to Shadowville. Renegade has a bitch that’s been giving them a hard time and Slim agreed to take her off his hands. Apparently my President thinks we can manage her better than Renegade’s crew. If she wants to act out here, she’ll be out of the club without a second thought. We don’t deal with that shit. Half of the women have left because we don’t tolerate them fucking with the ol’ ladies and the rest are slowly learning to get along with Jennifer, Shy, Sam, Gwen, and the rest of the women.

There’s only one who I think is going to be a problem. Her name is Mia. She’s Copyright 2016 - 2024