Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,7

switch flipped in him and he doesn’t know what to do with me living here. If it’s that much of a problem, I can find my own place. Fox already said he’d help me with it.

The day I spoke at group is something I don’t want to have to do again. I know it’s not realistic to think I’ll never talk to them again; I will at some point. However, it took so much out of me to share my story. Denise even learned new things she didn’t already know from our counselling sessions. Like the rape from Neil and how my father encouraged his lewd, disrespectful behavior. Or how so many different men had a hand in the beatings I suffered on a regular basis. I’m sure we’ll be discussing them in detail at my next appointment with her.

On the other hand, I almost feel free now. As if the weight of my past isn’t holding me back any longer. Now that I’ve shared my story, it seems as if I can move on fully with my life. I don’t have any restrictions anymore to stop me from accomplishing what I want to do and become.

It doesn’t take me long to get to Naughty Peach, the store I’m working at now. Parking at the end of the building, I remain in my car so I can get myself under control. I’m not prepared for this at all, but I have to do this. Now that I’m living with Killer, I have to make my own money. Hell, I’ve always needed to make my own money however Kim and Fox weren’t too happy about me trying to find a job. Even when I suggested working for the club in some capacity, I was shot down quicker than hell.

Finally, after composing myself, I take a final look at my appearance in the mirror. While I don’t wear a ton of make-up, my eyeshadow is a light color with a swipe of mascara. That’s all I wear. Even when the girls try to give me makeovers, I don’t allow them to do more than the bare minimum to me. For me, I don’t understand the point of covering my face. Not that I believe they’re wrong when they wear make-up; it’s just not for me.

Walking through the gravel filled parking lot, I notice there aren’t any cars here right now. I know Naughty Peach is open; it’s a twenty-four-hour store. I guess when you have a need for toys to use during sex, there is no time limit on it.

The door is standing open with Mark, the guy who will be training me, is standing there smoking. He offers me a smile and steps back so I can enter the store.

“Gwen, it’s good to see you again. Are you ready to learn the ropes?” he questions me, tossing his cigarette in a can outside the door.

“As ready as I can be,” I respond, my face already turning several shades of red.

“You’ll do fine. Monday’s are usually one of our slower days. We’ll still be busy though with sorting through new stock and making sure the shelves are fully stocked. I won’t leave you alone to do things on your own. When we’re putting stock away, we’ll work in the same aisles and I’ll show you how to zone the area as well,” Mark informs me, showing me where to place my purse behind the counter.

Before we can get started on a tour of the store, the phone rings. Mark tells me to walk around a little bit while he’s taking care of the call. I walk over and see a shelf full of nothing but vibrators according to the label on the packaging. They range in size from ones so small I’m not sure what they’d be used for to extra-large. My eyes widen at the sizes of the larger ones because there is no way I can picture anything that big fitting in a human body.

That’s where Mark finds me standing when he’s off the phone with the customer. I’m so absorbed in taking them all in, I don’t hear him until his laughter fills the abandoned store.

“Are you okay?” he asks me, trying to stop laughing.

“I don’t honestly know,” I reply dryly.

“Your face is priceless right now. As red as a fire engine and a look of pure shock radiating from you. You look like a pure innocent right now,” he comments, standing straight up and pulling me from the Copyright 2016 - 2024