Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,70

and forth only looking up when the door opens up.

I’ve been to the front desk numerous times in order to find out any information about my woman. The lady sitting there is terrified and tries to rush off every single time I walk her way. I haven’t yelled at her once as I ask about my woman. There’s nothing she can tell me yet other than they’re still examining her and waiting on test results. Still the last time I roared out my pain and frustration, the security guards made an appearance only adding fuel to the fire because I don’t need them here. None of us are here to cause problems; we only want my woman to get better.

The women who are here already are clinging to their men. Tears continuously streak down their faces as we try to figure out what’s goin on with Gwen. Stryker is a mess too. He’s blaming himself for whatever is happening. He believes he should’ve caught something earlier. There is no way for him to do anything because she hasn’t been feeling good. I probably would’ve thought the same thing he did about her just being sick again and sent her home.

“Killer!” I hear yelled as Kim and Fox make their way to me.

I’m not sure what their hold-up was, but they’re here now. Kim rushes to my side the best she can and wraps her arms around me. Everything hits me in this moment as tears fill my eyes and slide unchecked down my face. I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks of me. Kim’s still hugging me as Fox stands behind her with his hand on her back. He’s offering us comfort in the only way he can right now.

“Have you heard anything yet?” Kim asks, lifting her tear stained face from my chest.

“No. I’ve been tryin’ to find out anythin’. That’s why we now have buddies standin’ here with us,” I state, turning a glare on the two pansies who think they’ll be able to hold me back if I truly want to be back there with my girl.

At about the same time, the doors open and a doctor comes out. He looks around the room. Once he realizes the entire waiting room is filled with the men and women of the club, his eyes bulge out of his head.

“Um, I’m looking for the family of Gwen Andrews,” he says, his voice trembling slightly.

“I’m her man and this is her sister,” I respond as we rush to stand in front of him.

Every man and woman here with us stand at our backs as we wait for news on her.

“Maybe we should talk in private about this,” the doctor states.

“They’re all her family and it will be easier if you just tell us what’s going on now. I don’t want anything lost in translation because we have to tell them what you’ve said,” Kim states, holding her ground as Fox wraps an arm around her shoulders and pulls her into his side.

“Okay. We found a few things out with Miss Andrews. The first is that we believe her food or drinks have been tampered with. There were trace amounts of curare in her system which caused her to appear unresponsive. It’s sometimes used as anesthesia for some types of surgeries. We’ve already given her an antidote for the medicine. We’re going to keep her for observation at least overnight,” the doctor informs us.

I can feel the rage coming from every single man standing at my back. They’ll offer all the support we need right now, but they’re ready to bash skulls in to whoever did this. Gwen doesn’t deserve any of this shit happening to her.

“The second thing we discovered is that Miss Andrews is pregnant. She’s almost a month and a half along right now. We’re not sure if this will cause her to lose the babies or not. It has been known to cause miscarriages. She needs to get in with a regular doctor immediately. For now, she’s resting in a room. Only two of you may go in and see her for a few minutes. Other than that, you’ll all have to leave here until tomorrow morning,” he states.

I don’t hear a word after the doctor informed us Gwen’s pregnant. Vaguely I heard him say babies and not baby. I can’t focus on any of that right now. the only thing I’m worried about is Gwen.

“I’m not leavin’. I’ll be here until my woman goes home. Copyright 2016 - 2024