Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,71

I don’t give a fuck what you’re policy is, she’s not safe here alone and won’t be left out of my sight,” I state, crossing my arms over my chest and daring this fucker to tell me I won’t be staying with my woman.

“I’m stayin’ to,” Stryker states. “I’ll be in the hallway to make sure no one gets close to the room.”

The doctor looks from us to the security guards. I really don’t want to have to beat the fuck out of them, but I will. Neither one of them will keep me from Gwen. They won’t keep Stryker out of here either. He’s made his mind up and won’t leave until she’s discharged.

Seeing Doc standing behind this asshole, I push past him and make my way over.

“Doc, where is she. I need to see her,” I plead, not giving one fuck.

“Follow me. Doctor Adams, whoever is stayin’ here with her will be allowed. Don’t try to kick them out or you’ll be dealin’ with me. Got it?” he states before turning and leading Kim, Fox, and me to Gwen’s room.

I don’t give a second thought to the assholes standing behind us as Doc leads us through the doors that have kept me separated from my woman for so long now.

Walking through the door, I’m hit with feelings I never want to experience again. Gwen looks so small in the bed with an IV coming from her arm and other devices on her. I don’t stop until I’m by her bed. Leaning over, I place a kiss on her forehead and take her hand in mine. Kim is at my side while Fox stands on the opposite side of us.

Gwen’s pale as fuck as my gaze rakes down her body. I can’t see much since she’s covered from head to toe in blankets. My gaze lands where her stomach is and I want to pull the blankets back so bad. I want to see her stomach and place a kiss there for our babies. Once again I find myself praying that nothing happens to however many babies are resting inside her body right now.

“Killer, did you know?” Kim asks me, keeping her gaze locked on her sister.

“No. Even though she’s been sick, that was the last thing on my mind,” I answer her honestly. “Has she said anythin’ to you?”

“Not a word. I’m not sure if she even knew herself,” she responds, looking at Fox.

“I didn’t know either. She wasn’t lookin’ anythin’ up or anythin’,” he confirms for us.

“Killer, I’m goin’ to head home so I can grab some rest. Today has really taken a toll health wise on me. I won’t be able to last here much longer no matter how much I want to stay,” Kim starts. “If you need to leave for any reason, I’ll be right back here.”

“You go get some sleep,” I tell her, placing a kiss against the top of her head. “I know you want to stay but you won’t be doin’ Gwen or yourself any favors if this keeps you down for the next few days. Why don’t you go to the clubhouse since that’s where we’ll be goin’ when she gets out?”

“I think I will. I’ll make sure your room is ready for her to come home to us. If there’s any damn change, call me immediately. I’ll be here in the mornin’,” she responds, tears of frustration rolling down her face.

Fox walks over after placing a kiss on Gwen’s cheek to gather his woman and take her home. I pull up a seat and remain vigil at my girl’s side. There is no way in hell I’ll be leaving her side for a second. Laying my head down on the bed next to her, I close my eyes and breath in what little is left of Gwen’s scent. That’s the only thing calming me down as my adrenaline crashes and sleep overtakes me.

Chapter Nineteen


I’VE BEEN OUT of the hospital for almost two weeks now. Killer has been hovering over me the entire time. Not only because someone attacked me like this, but because I’m pregnant with twins. They did an ultrasound in the hospital when my tests came back and discovered I’m having twins. Talk about a shock. Even though I was sick for several weeks, pregnancy never once entered my mind. Go ahead and call me naïve, I am.

By the time I was discharged late the next day, Killer had me booked for an appointment with an obstetrician. Copyright 2016 - 2024